
MORE. Motivations, experiences and consequences of returns and readmissions policy: revealing and developing effective alternatives

MORE is a collaborative academic initiative that critically examines the Returns and Readmissions policy of the European Union and the United Kingdom. This policy has resulted in the narrowing of the pathways meant to safeguard the rights of migrated populations across Europe. The increasingly restrictive interpretations of the Returns Directive, coupled with intensified efforts to facilitate returns and deportations, have contributed to severe human rights violations. MORE analyses how the dynamics of the securitisation of borders, economic interests, and political imperatives have converged to promote and sustain returns policies. The research examines the consequences of these policies on the daily lives of irregularised migrants, their families, communities, and the European society at large. Moreover, it explores alternative approaches beyond return that tackle the structural causes of irregularity and provide dignified solutions.

EXIT. Exploring sustainable strategies to counteract territorial inequalities from an intersectional approach

The EXIT project, funded by the EU under the HorizonEurope programme and coordinated by the UB, attempts to explore the dimensions, root causes and implications of both long-standing and recently emerged socioeconomic inequalities within and between regions. It aims to propose ways to tackle these inequalities depending on their territorial footprint, analysing patterns of social and economic stagnation in a selection of areas across eight countries. The interdisciplinary research will explore how inhabitants, institutions and organizations in these areas perceive, experience and counteract inequalities from an intersectional perspective. This will enable knowledge sharing and best practice transfer amongst European states and affected communities in order to restrategise their sustainable development. 


REPROMOB. Viajar en busca de servicios de aborto: viajes y redes de apoyo para personas embarazadas que buscan servicios de aborto en Europa África del Norte y América Latina

This project aims to investigate reproductive mobilities related to abortion care seeking. It will explore the interconnections between reproductive governance, borders and (im)mobilities and trace how these are based on, or produce, specific kinds of reproductive stratifications and intersectionalities in three main world regions: Europe and Latin America. This ground-breaking investigation will provide new, fresh data on a growing, global phenomenon, reproductive mobilities, which is relevant not only from social sciences, but also from human and health rights and public health perspectives. It will explore understudied phenomena, namely the experiences of women and pregnant people living in countries with restrictive abortion legislation, seeking abortion care far from where they live, particularly abroad as well as abortion seeking and provision via telehealth and the circulation of abortion medications. This project will thus provide a more in-depth empirical and theoretical understanding of reproductive mobilities and justice in specific contexts, particularly in countries that are becoming important hubs for reproductive services, such as Spain in Europe, and Mexico in Latin America.

The project will be developed in two workpackages, the first one focused on reproductive journeys and the second one on (im)mobility and illegal practices: reproductive governance and transnational support networks. While the first one addresses people’s mobilities related to abortion care seeking, the second one investigates the legal and social barriers to access to abortion care and the social networks that allow people to overcome such barriers, including via telehealth and illegal means. The second workpackage investigates the legal, political, and religious debate on reproductive health and rights in all the countries involved in the project and incorporates the perspectives of the professionals working in the reproductive health services that will be involved as well as of representatives of organizations and policymakers supporting or opposing abortion rights.

The long term impact of the covid-19 pandemic on people’s access to abortion services and medications and the related mobility restrictions that it entails will also be investigated.

The objective of this project is to encourage an engaged scientific and political discussion about reproductive governance and justice, stratified reproduction and people’s resistance to discriminatory legislation in different geo-political and social-cultural contexts. We aim to share our findings not only with scholars working on reproductive health and rights, but also with all the main institutions involved in the project (health services and organizations working in the domain of reproductive rights) as well as with policy makers, in order to contribute to the social and political debate on reproductive justice and rights in all the participating countries.

INCA. Increase corporate political responsibility and accountability

INCA is an HorizonEurope project that investigates the impact that so-called digital platforms have on European democracies and institutions. Indeed, while promoting economic growth and labour transformations, these platforms pose challenges to policymakers and citizens in relation to people’ participation in decision-making processes, wealth inequalities and erosion of trust into public institutions. In particular, so-called GAFAM (Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple and Microsoft) are becoming more and more infrastructures for opinion-making, labour organization and political debate. Their increasing power in shaping and influencing such issues through lobbying, industrial relations and cultural impact opened up a wide debate on the way to deal with these transformations. While European societies grew up based on liberal democracies and institutions with their capacity to sustain a coordinated market economy, today their role seems to be reduced because of the difficulties to regulate platforms’ corporate power that spread through politics, economy and culture.


COME-ON: Analysing and combating online hate speech and gender-based discrimination from an intersectional perspective

COME-ON (2020-2023) is a national research project coordinated by the ESRU and financed by the Proyectos I+D+i 2019 from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades. It is an interdisciplinary research project that will use a mixed-methods approach to address gender-based online hate speech from an intersectional perspective.

PEARL. Promoting migrant youth participation in decision making processes and democratic life

PEARL is an Erasmus+ KA220 Youth project that aims to equip young migrants with the skills to use novel digital democracy tools to spearhead their democratic participation and increase the capacity of non-profit organisations and public authorities staff to promote migrant youth participation in decision making processes and democratic life. The project is coordinated by the organisation Agis, note et innove (FR)

Women travelling to seek abortion care in Europe: the impact of barriers to legal abortion on women living in countries with ostensibly liberal abortion laws

Starting Grant. European Research Council (ERC). Project coordinated by Dr Sílvia de Zordo, with the participation of three  other GENI members (2016-2021).

PROTECT. Exchanging good practices on restorative justice and promoting the victims' rights protection

ERASMUS+ project (2020-2023) for the exchange of good restorative justice practices, with organisations from five European countries. It focuses on training and education, and it is related to the COME-ON and Let’sGoByTalking projects.

Let'sGoByTalking. Portecting and defending the rights of victims of anti-LGBT hate crimes: Innovative paths through restorative justice

Justice Programme of the European Union. Project coordinated by Dr Olga Jubany (GENI coordinator), with the participation of several other members and collaborators of GENI (2020-2022).

SupportVoC. Development of a Generic Support Services Model to enhance the Rights of Victims of Crime

Justice Programme of the European Union. Project coordinated by Dr Olga Jubany (GENI coordinator), with the participation of four other members and two collaborators of GENI (2017-2020).

REACT. Respect and Equality: Acting and Communicating Together

Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (REC) of the European Union. Project coordinated by Dr Olga Jubany (GENI coordinator), with the participation of four other members and two collaborators of GENI (2017-2019).

La individuación de las relaciones de parentesco. Un estudio antropológico

Proyectos de i+D+i “Retos Investigación”. Project coordinated by Dr Joan Bestard, with the participation of four other GENI members (2013-2018).

Preventing and Combating Homo- and Transfobia in Small and Medium Cities Across Europe (DIVERCITY)

Research Institution: Universitat de Barcelona
Main Researcher: Olga Jubany
Researchers: Joan Bestard
Funding Institution: Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (REC) of the European Commission 
Year: 2015-2017

Combating inequalities through innovative social practices of, and for, young people in cities across Europe (CITISPYCE)

Research Institution: Universitat de Barcelona
Main Researcher: Olga Jubany
Researchers: Joan Bestard
Funding Institution: Unió Europea
Project Code: 320359
Year: 2013-2015

Preventing, Redressing and Inhibiting Hate Speech on the New Media (PRISM) Entitat realitzadora: Universitat de Barcelona

Research Institution: Universitat de Barcelona
Main Researcher: Olga Jubany Baucells
Reserarchers: 3
Funding Institiution: Unió Europea
Project Code: JUST/2013/FRAC/AG/6214
Year: 2014-2016

Public understanding of genetics: a cross-cultural and ethnographic study of the new genetics and social identity

Research Institution: Universitat de Barcelona
Main Researcher: Joan Bestard Camps
Researchers: 1
Funding Institution: Unió Europea
Project Code: QLG7-CT-2001-01668
Year: 2001



Estudio cualitativo de las experiencias y actitudes ante el aborto, su estigmatización y la objeción de conciencia en Cataluña por parte del personal sanitario y de mujeres que se han practicado abortos

Research Institution: Universitat de Barcelona
Main Researcher: Silvia de Zordo
Research Coordinator: Joan Bestard
Funding Institution: Programa post-doctoral Beatriu de Pinós. Generalitat de Catalunya
Project Code: 2011 BP_B 00146
Year: 2013-2015

Nuevos contextos del parentesco: Ideas de reproducción y transmisión en relación a la percepción pública de la Nueva Genética

Research Institution: Universitat de Barcelona
Main Researcher: Joan Bestard Camps
Researchers: 5
Funding Institution: Ministeri de Ciència y Tecnologia
Project Code: BSO2003-06148
Year: 2013

Patrimonialització i redefinició de la ruralitat. Nous usos del Patrimoni Local

Research Institution: Universitat de Barcelona
Main Researcher: Xavier Roigé Ventura
Researchers: 6
Funding Institution: MCNN-Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Project Code: CSO2011-29413
Year: 2012-2014

Estudio comparativo de los modos de religiosidad en tres países católicos europeos

Research Institution: Universitat de Lleida, Universitat de Barcelona
Main Researcher: Carles Salazar
Researchers: Carles Salazar, Joan Bestard
Funding Institution: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Project Code: CSO2009-08093
Year: 2010-2012

Famílies d’Avui. Un estudi sobre les noves formes familiars a l’àrea de Barcelona

Research Institution: GRAPP-UB
Main Researcher: Xavier Roigé i Joan Bestard
Researchers: Xavier Roigé, Joan Bestard, Elena Maya, Rosa Frasquet
Funding Institution: Institut del Patrimoni Etnològic de Catalunya (IPEC)
Research Code: 2005SGR00579
Year: 2009-2012

Procesos de patrimonialización de la naturaleza y la cultura. Posicionamientos locales y articulaciones globales

Research Institution: Universitat de Barcelona
Main Researcher: Xavier Roigé Ventura
Researchers: 6
Funding Institution: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia
Project Code: CSO2008-05065/SOCI
Year: 2009-2011

Adopción internacional: La integración familiar y social de los menores adoptados internacionalmente. Perspectivas interdisciplinarias y comparativas

Research Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
Main Researcher: Diana Marre Cifola
Researchers: 2
Funding Institution: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia
Project Code: SEJ2006-15286
Year: 2007

Adoptions and fosterages in Spain: tracing challenges, opportunities and problems in the social and family lives of children and adolescents

Research Institution: AFIN-UAB/GRAPP-UB
Main Researcher: Diana Marre Cifola
Researchers: Diana Marre, Joan Bestard
Funding Institution: Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad
Project Code: CSO2012-39593-C02-00
Year: 2012

Nuevas familias y relaciones de parentesco. Estudio antropológico sobre la evolución de la residencia en el contexto urbano de Barcelona

Research Institution: Universitat de Barcelona
Main Researcher: Francesc Xavier Roigé Ventura
Researchers: 7
Funding Institution: Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT)
Project Code: SEC96-0992
Year: 1996

Frisones, forfaits i quota lletera. La producció lletera i els seus usos simbòlics al Baridà

Research Institution: GRAPP-UB
Main Researcher: Camila del Mármol Cartaña
Researchers: 3
Funding Institution: Inventari del Patrimoni Etnológic de Catalunya- Generalitat de Catalunya.
Project Code: 056675
Year: 2009-2011

Antropología del parentesco

Research Institution: Universitat de Barcelona
Main Researcher: Joan Frigolé Reixach
Funding Institution: Secretaría de Estado de Universidades e Investigación
Project Code:
Year: 1991

Les porteries a Barcelona: entre espai públic i espai privat

Research Institution: Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona – Casa de Caritat
Main Researcher: Joan Bestard Camps
Researchers: 8
Funding Institution: Inventari del Patrimoni Etnològic de Catalunya (IPEC)
Project Code: 043727
Year: 2002

Experiencing re-bordered Europe. An ethnography of the Upper Susa Valley

Supervisor/s: Olga Jubany

Reading: May 10, 2024

PhD Candidate: Martina Pascualetto

Research Institution: Universitat de Barcelona

Playing the State. The governance of migration from the Spanish asylum reception system

Supervisor/s: Montserrat Clua i Fainé, Olga Jubany

Reading: May 23, 2023

PhD Candidate: Alèxia Rué Larroya

Research Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

It's not a vacation, it's your life. Priviledged identities, aging experiences, and migration projects of British retirees in the costs of Spain

Supervisor/s: Olga Jubany

Reading: February 24, 2023

PhD Candidate: Emma Fàbrega Domenech

Research Institution: Universitat de Barcelona

¡Somos territorio! Experiencias, prácticas políticas y luchas por lo común de mujeres mapuche

Supervisor/s: Olga Jubany

Reading: May 6, 2022

PhD Candidate: María Ignacia Ibarra Eliessetch

Research Institution: Universitat de Barcelona

Patrones de movimiento corporal en la performance musical. Una aproximación antropológica a las escenas barcelonesas del hardcore punk y la improvisación libre

Supervisor/s: Roger Canals; Olga Jubany

Reading: July 10, 2020

PhD Candidate: Josep Lluís Lancina

Research Institution: Universitat de Barcelona

La metamorfosi de fer-se policia: Anàlisi longitudinal del procés d’incorporació a la policia de Catalunya en els primers anys de la trajectòria

Supervisor: Olga Jubany

Reading: 2019

PhD Candidate:  Vallès Port, Maria Dolors

Research Institution: Universitat de Barcelona

El cos com a mite. Perspectives de gènere en els segles I al IV

Supervisor: Olga Jubany

Reading: 30th January 2019

PhD Candidate: Castells Alcaraz, Anna

Research Institution: Universitat de Barcelona

Homes gais majors de 50 anys a Barcelona. Trajectòries de vida, situació social, acció colectiva i treball social.

Supervisor: Oscar Guasch

Reading: 2017

PhD Candidate: Mesquida González, Josep Maria 

Research Institution: Universitat de Barcelona

Cuidarse para evitar un embarazo; Etnografía sobre el proceso asistencial de las prácticas anticonceptivas en Salta, Argentina

Supervisor: Olga Jubany

Reading: 2016

PhD Candidate: Perez Declerq, Ana Maria 

Research Institution: Universitat de Barcelona

Mujeres, trafico de drogas y cárcel en Costa Rica: Una etnografia interseccional

Supervisor: Olga Jubany

Reading: 2015

PhD Candidate: Palma Campos, Claudia 

Research Institution: Universitat de Barcelona

Migración Circular de Trabajadoras Mexicanas en Estados Unidos y Canadá: una aproximación Antropológica Interseccional

Supervisor: Olga Jubany

Reading: 2010

PhD Candidate: Lázaro Castellanos, Rosa 

Research Institution: Universitat de Barcelona

Percepción de la violencia de pareja en estudiantes de enfermería: Adaptación y validación de una escala

Supervisor: Assumpta Rigol Cuadra

Reading: Novembre 2014

PhD Candidate: Mª Dolors Burjales Martí

Research Institution: Universitat Rovira i Virgili

El ser gen-ètic. Etnografia de l’experiència de la malaltia hereditària a Barcelona i Los Àngeles

Supervisor: Joan Bestard Camps

Reading: 2016

PhD Candidate: Esther Insa Calderón

Research Institution: Universitat de Barcelona

Art públic i producció de localitat

Supervisor: Joan Bestard Camps

Reading: 2015

PhD Candidate: Octavi Rofes Barón

Research Institution: Universitat de Barcelona

Alletaments de llarga durada i altres usos de la corporalitat en la criança

Supervisor: Joan Bestard Camps

Reading: 2015

PhD Candidate: Marta Ausona

Research Institution: Universitat de Barcelona

Percepciones de las mujeres, parejas y profesionales durante el embarazo, parto y postparto tras someterse a técnicas de reproducción asistida

Supervisor: Joan Bestard Camps

Reading: 2015

PhD Candidate: Esther Crespo Mirasol

Research Institution: Universitat de Barcelona

Subjetividades y cuerpos gestionados. Un estudio sobre la patologización y medicalización del transgénero

Supervisor: Joan Bestard Camps

Reading: 2014

PhD Candidate: Jordi Mas Grau

Research Institution: Universitat de Barcelona

The Social and Cultural Effects of Capoeira’s Transnational Circulation in Salvador da Bahia and Barcelona

Supervisor: Joan Bestard Camps

Reading: 2014

PhD Candidate: Theodora Lefkaditou

Research Institution: Universitat de Barcelona

Intercambio Sexual Anónimo en Espacios Públicos. La práctica del cruising en el parque de Montjuïc, Gavà y Sitges

Supervisor: Joan Bestard Camps; Oscar Guasch

Reading: 2014

PhD Candidate: José Antonio Langarita Adiego

Research Institution: Universitat de Barcelona

Transnational Reproduction: Experience of Italian Reproductive Travelers Receiving Donor Gametes and Embryos Abroad

Supervisor: Joan Bestard Camps

Reading: 2013

PhD Candidate: Giulia Zanini

Research Institution: Universitat de Barcelona

La Familia Lesboparental: ¿Reinvención de la Familia?

Supervisor: Joan Bestard Camps

Reading: 2013

PhD Candidate: Silvia Donoso López

Research Institution: Universitat de Barcelona


● DONOSO, S. (2013), ”Superando la unicidad de la madre: la familia lesboparental”, en Bestard et alia (Coord.) Maternidades, procreación y crianza en transformación (Ed. Bellaterra)

● DONOSO, S. (2006), “Maternidad lésbica: reconocimiento y soporte en el ámbito de las relaciones familiares”, en Familias de ayer, ayer de hoy: continuidades y cambios en Cataluña, Barcelona: Icaria.

● DONOSO, S. (2002), “Epílogo: La familia lésbica”, en G. Herdt & B. Koff, Gestión familiar de la homosexualidad, Barcelona: Edicions Bellaterra.

● DONOSO, S. (1998), “L’estat legal de les famílies homosexuals: reinventar la família ‘fora de la llei”, en Antropologia del Parentiu: La diversitat cultural de les relacions familiars, Barcelona: Icaria-ICA.

● DONOSO, S. (2002), “Generando nuevas formas de familia: la familia lésbica”, en Orientaciones, Madrid (número de diciembre-2002).

Transnational Reproduction: Experience of Italian Reproductive Travelers Receiving Donor Gametes and Embryos Abroad

Supervisor: Joan Bestard Camps

Reading: 2013

PhD Candidate: Zanini, Giulia

Research Institution: European University Institute (Firenze, It.)


● Zanini, G. (2013) “Neither gametes nor children. Italian prospective parents and the variable meaning of donor embryos”, Tecnoscienza, Italian Journal of Science and Technologies Studies, 4, 1: 87-110

● Zanini, G., Raffaetà R., Krause, K. and Alex, G., (2013) Transnational medical spaces: Opportunities and restrictions, Max Plank Institute Working Paper, WP 13-16 ●

● Zanini, G., (2011). “Abandoned by the State, betrayed by the Church: Italian experiences of cross- border reproductive care”, Reproductive BioMedicine Online, 23, 5: 565-572.

● Zanini, G. (2008) “Regulating assisted procreation: the Italian case” in quaderns~e Rivista de l’Institut Català d’Antropologia, 12, 2.

● Raffaetà, R., Krause, K., Zanini, G. and Alex, G., (in press) “Transnational medical pluralism” in Hörbst, V., Schirripa, P. and Gerrets, R. (eds) Medical pluralism revisited: Medical Anthropological Engagements with Diversity.

● Zanini, G., (2013), “Riproduzione transnazionale: single e coppie omosessuali in viaggio verso la  genitorialità” in Lombardi, Lia and de Zordo, Silvia (sous la direction de) La Procreazione medicalmente assistita e le sue sfide. Corpi, generi e tecnologie, Milano, Franco Angeli: 167- 177.

Sistemas Médicos de Salud y Tradicionales en Zapopan

Supervisor: Joan Bestard Camps

Reading: 10/12/2012

PhD candidate: Alcañiz Rodríguez, Berta

Research centre: Universitat de Barcelona


● Alcañiz, B. (2014) “Cultura médica y sociedad tradicional”. Ponencia en las II JORNADAS DE ANTROPÓLOGOS CATALANES EN MÉXICO Mérida, México 27-28 marzo 2014.

Circulation of Russian Children: Case Study of International Adoption from Spain to Russia

Supervisor: Joan Bestard Camps

Reading: 2011

PhD Candidate: Liliya Khabibullina

Research Institution: Universitat de Barcelona


● Khabibullina, Lilia (2009) International Adoption in Russia: “Market,” “Children for Organs,” and “Precious” or “Bad” Genes Marre, Diana & Laura Briggs, eds. Global Inequalities and the Circulation of Children. Nueva York: New York University Press, p174-189.

Les formes de convivència de les persones amb discapacitat intel·lectual: La inclusió social com a construcció d”una identitat valorada

Supervisor: Joan Bestard Camps

Reading: 2011

PhD Candidate: Assumpta Rigol

Research Institution: Universitat de Barcelona


● Rigol, A (2013) “Maternidad y discapacidad intelectual: La deconstrucción de la otredad”. En López, C., Marre, D. y Bestard J., ed. Maternidades, procreación y crianza en transformación. Barcelona: Bellaterra. Pp.: 219-245.ISBN: 13:9788472906402

● Rigol, A (2012) “Percepción social de la discapacidad intelectual en la literatura y el cine”. PRESENCIA. Revista de Enfermería de Salud Mental. Vol.8 Nº: 15 Pg. 1-5..2012 ESPANYA ISSN:1885-0219

Pasados locales, políticas globales. Los procesos de patrimonialización en un valle del Pirineo catalán

Supervisor: Joan Frigolé Reixach

Reading: 2010

PhD Candidate: Camila del Mármol Cartañá

Research Institution: Universitat de Barcelona


● Mármol, C. del (2012) Pasados locales, políticas globales. Procesos de patrimonialización en un valle del Pirineo catalán. Germanias (AVA), Valencia.

● Mármol, C. del (2012) “Weekend Trips: Second homes and new social realities in the Catalan Pyrenees”. In Horakova, Hana ; Boscoboinik, Andrea (eds) Transformation of rural communities in Europe: from production to consumption. Lit Verlag, Zürich. Pp.: 49-62.

● Mármol, Camila del (en premsa) “Through Other Times: The Politics of Heritage and the Past in the Catalan Pyrenees”. En Picard, D. and Di Giovine, Michael (eds) Tourism and the Power of Otherness: Seduction of Difference. Channel View Publications, Bristol.

● Mármol, C. del (2010) “Heritagization processes an public policies in the Alt Urgell (Catalan Pyrenees)”. En Roigé, X.; Frigolé J. (eds.) Constructing cultural and natural heritage. Parks, museums and rural heritage. ICRPC Llibres (4), Girona. Pp: 141-158.

Identitat, cos i parentiu en el context de la infertilitat i la reproducció assistida

Supervisor: Joan Bestard Camps

Reading: 28/01/2009

PhD Candidate: Carme Fitó

Research Institution: Universitat de Barcelona


● Fitó, C. (2010), Identidad, cuerpo y parentesco, Bellaterra, Barcelona.

● Fitó, C. (2013), “Maternidad y paternidad mediante donación de gametos”, dins Maternidades , procreación y crianza en transformación, Carmen López Mateu; Diana Marre i Joan Bestard, (eds.), Bellaterra, Barcelona.

Implicacions socials i culturals de la preservació de la fertilitat en la pacient oncològica

Supervisor: Joan Bestard Camps

Reading: 10/11/2009

PhD Candidate: Elena Castillo

Research Institution: Universitat de Barcelona


● Callejo, J; Castillo, E; Lailla, J.Mª,Trasplante de tejido ovárico, a Tratado de Enfermería de la Reproducción Humana.. Sociedad Española de Fertilidad. Ed.Médica Panamericana. Madrid, 2008.

● Castillo, E; Bestard, J., Visión antropológica, en Preservación de la Fertilidad en la paciente oncológica, Ed. Glosa. Barcelona, 2009.

● Castillo, E, Análisis antropológico de la preservación de la fertilidad en el paciente oncológico, en Maternidades, Procreación y Crianza en Transformación. C.López, D.Marre y J.Bestard. Pgs. 39-56. Editorial Bellaterra. Barcelona 2013.

● E. Castillo. ,Implicaciones sociales y culturales de la preservación de la fertilidad en la paciente oncológica. Actualidad y controversias en ginecología. La opinión de los expertos, 2010: 17(53): 17-19.

Protecció a la infància: un estudi sobre l'acolliment

Supervisor: Joan Bestard Camps

Reading: 10/01/2010

PhD Candidate: Carme López Mateu

Research Institution: Universitat de Barcelona


● López, C. Bestard, J. Marre, D. (2013) Maternidades, procreación y crianza en transformación. Barcelona: Bellaterra.

● López, C (2013) “Reflexiones en torno a las categorias y terminologias del parentesco en el acogimiento familiar y residencial” en López, C. Bestard, J. Marre, D. Maternidades, procreación y crianza en transformación. Barcelona: Bellaterra

● López, C. (2009). Newsletter, AFIN ¿Cuidar o educar?. Una mirada sobre el acogimiento familiar y residencial. Número 10 diciembre. ISSN 2013-2956

● Arrandis, J. López, C. (2012). Newsletter AFIN “Acogimiento, don y reciprocidad”. Número 43, Octubre. ISSN 2013-2956

Embarazo por defecto. Impacto sociocultural de la interrupción del embarazo en las mujeres

Supervisor: Joan Bestard Camps

Reading: June 8, 2009

PhD Candidate: Martínez Morant, Mara Encarnación

Research Institution: Universitat de Barcelona


● Martínez Morant, M, . “Experimentar el embarazo y el aborto” a Maternidades, procreación y crianza en transformación. Pàgines (inicial-final): 97-121 – Editorial Bellaterra – ISBN: 978-84-7290-640-2 – Any: 2013

● Martínez Morant, M. (2011) “Reflexionando en torno a la maternidad y el aborto Pàgines (inicial-final): 1-20 –Editorial: Adopciones, Familias, Infancias (AFIN) newsletter, núm. 30 – – ISSN: 2013-2956

● Martínez Morant, M ,Women, abortion, migration and political, medical and religious discourses in Catalonia (Spain).Pàgines (inicial-final): 1-16 Editorial: Center for Women Policy Studies. Reproductive Laws fort he Twenty First Century Papers. (online) newsletter.