3r Curs de Comunicació i Periodisme Intercultural #ComuniCanvi

Llatins/es per Catalunya and Xarxa BCN Antirumors, with the collaboration of the research groups GENI and GREDI from the Universitat de Barcelona and with the support of Barcelona’s City Coucil, present the 3rd Course on Intercultural Communication and Journalism which will take place the7, 14, 21, 27 and 28 Novembre 2019, the #ComuniCanvi.

The course is open to the general public and specially to journalists interested in intercultural and anti-racist communication. The course is free and will be held at the Espai Societat Oberta (ant Eusebi, 29-31 – Barcelona).

Sign up!

More information at: info@llatins.org

Coordinated by: Omaira Beltrán Sánchez