Seminari COMPAS, Oxford – 4 de Juliol

El 4 de juliol, Olga Jubany presentarà Screening Asylum in a Culture of Disbelief: The Hidden Legacy al seminari de COMPAS a Oxford:

In their relation with the State, hard borders have gained relevance due to the increasing politicisation and criminalisation of migration, and securitisation discourse and policies. Both phenomena show how borders change over time, to be [re]constructed as ‘deposits’ of political, social and economic meanings. Grounded on the results on an unprecedented ethnographic study at the UK borders, this paper analyses the complexity of human controls to reveal that asylum decisions at borders respond to a subjective exercise and a profoundly cultural process, saturated by the meta-messages of disbelief, denial and moral panics.

Deprès del seminari, hi haurà la presentació de les noves editores de les series Migration, Diaspora and Citizenship de Palgrave Macmillan. Aquestes series de llibres acadèmics han contrubuit, durant més de 20 anys, a promoure els debats teorètics i empírics en el camp de les migracions, covertint-se en un fòrum crític per a les principals preguntes al voltant dels moviments globals de població.

El seminari tindrà lloc a les 16h30 61 Banbruy Road, Oxford

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