

Olga Jubany

Full Professor at University of Barcelona



Research Lines

Olga Jubany is Doctor by the London School of Economics and Political Science, currently Full Professor, at the Social Anthropology Department. She is also Director of the European Social Research Unit.

Olga Jubany is a social anthropologist, author of several investigations and publications in the fields of identity, social exclusion and social control from the ethnographic tradition of anthropology. Adopting the intersectional approach, her work engages in topics of gender, racism, migration, with particular focus on comparative multi-sited research within the European framework. She’s currently conducting research on the specific areas of online hate speech, LGBT-phobia, asylum processes, and victims’ support systems.

Dr. Jubany has a long international trajectory and is nominated Expert at the Research Executive Agency (REA) of the European Commission, having participated both in the 7th Framework Programme and in the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme. She is member of the Spanish Delegation of the Consejero de Ciencia e Innovación of Spain (MINECO) for the Research Group on Societal Challenges and JRC of the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme. Dr. Jubany is also the UB representative for the Working Group Social Challenges for the Conferencia de Rectores de Universidades Españolas (CRUE) and is actively involved with the League of European Research Universities (LERU). Jointly with Saskia Sassen she is Series Editor of the Migration, Diasporas and Citizenship series.

Her current research includes being the Principal Investigator and coordinator for EXIT. Exploring sustainable strategies to counteract territorial inequalities from an intersectional approach and  MORE. Motivations, Experiences And Consequences Of Returns And Readmissions Policy: Revealing And Developing Effective Alternatives both funded by the EU’s Horizon Europe programme, as well as the UB’s PI for the Horizon Europe project INCA. Increase corporate political responsibility and accountability 

Previously she has been the Principal Investigator and Coordinator of already concluded projects such as LetsGoByTalking: Innovative paths through restorative justice for victims of anti-LGBT hate crimes, SupportVoC: Development of a Generic Support Services Model to enhance the Rights of Victims of Crime (funded by the Justice Programme of the EU) or DIVERCITY: Preventing and Combating Homo- and Transphobia in Small and Medium Cities across Europe (funded by the REC Programme of the EU) and the Principal Investigator in Spain for REACT: Respect and Equality: Acting and Communicating Together (funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme – REC – of the EU) and the Erasmus+ projects and the Erasmus+ projects PEARL. Promoting migrant youth participation in decision making processes and democratic life and PROTECT. Exchanging good practices on restorative justice and promoting the victims’ rights protection.

Other past projects include PRISM: Preventing, Redressing and Inhibiting Hate Speech in New Media, funded by the EC DG Justice (2013-2016); the FP7 project CITISPYCE: Combating Inequalites through Innovative Social Practices of and for Young People in Cities across Europe (2012-2016), LinkAge: Labour Market Integration of Vulnerable Age Groups through Social Dialogue funded by the DG Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion (2011-2013); TEAM: Trade Unions, Economic Change, and Active Inclusion of Migrant Workers (2010-2012) under DG Employment, Social Affairs, and Equality, and the scientific coordinator for GENDERACE: The use of racial anti-discrimination laws: gender and citizenship in a multicultural context, funded by the EC FP7-SSH programme (2007-2010), in addition to participating in PROSINT: Promoting Sustainable Policies for Integration, funded from EC- DG of Justice, Freedom and Security. 

Dr. Jubany regularly participates in national and international conferences and debates.

Research Groups:

  • Research Group on Gender, Identity and Diversity (GENI). Coordinator.
  • European Social Research Unit (ESRU). Director.
  • Research Executive Agency (REA) of the European Commission. Expert.
  • Grup de Recerca en Ciències Socials i Humanitats (SC i JRC) per al Programa Horizon (H2020) de la Delegació del Consell de Ciència i Innovació d’Espanya (MICINN)
  • Grup de Treball per a Reptes Socials a la Conferencia de Rectores de Universidades Españolas (CRUE) (in representation of UB)
  • Member of the Immigration, Immigrants and Labour Markets in Europe (IILME/IITUE) Standing Committee of the IMISCOE network.

Research areas coordinators

GENI’s interests are organised around five research areas:

Kinship and Reproduction

Silvia de Zordo

Anthropologist and Senior Researcher ERC / Ramón y Cajal Researcher Universitat de Barcelona


Profile: UB

Academic Social Networks: RESEARCHGATE, ORCID

Research Lines

Contraception, voluntary interruption of pregnancy and conscientious objection in Latin America and Europe.

Silvia De Zordo is currently a Ramón y Cajal main researcher on the project “Women travelling to seek abortion care in Europe: the impact of barriers to legal abortion on women living in countries with ostensibly liberal abortion laws” (BAR2LEGAB) fincanced by the ERC (European Research Council). Her recent publications iclude: Reproduction and Biopolitics: Ethnographies of Governance, “Irrationality” and Resistance (ed. with Milena Marchesi), published by Routledge in 2014. This publication obtained the CAR (Council on Anthropology and Reproduction) year’s Most Notable Recent Collection in Anthropology and Reproduction Book Award in 2016. A Fragmented Landscape: Abortion Governance and Protest Logics in Europe, edited jointly with Joanna Mishtal and Lorena Anton and published by Berghahn Books in December 2016.

Mobilities and Migrations in the Contemporary World

Rosa Lázaro Castellanos

Lecturer at the Department of Social Anthropology of Universitat de Barcelona


Profile: UB, ESRU

Research Lines

Circular Migration, Transnationalism, Intersectionality of Gender, Single-Parent Households

Rosa Lázaro Castellanos is a doctor in Social Anthropology, researcher and lecturer in the Department of Social Anthropology in the Universitat de Barcelona. She graduated on Economics in the Universidad Autónoma de Puebla and completed a Master of Science at the Colegio de Postgraduados, Mexico. She has published multiple works on feminism, circular migration and identity.

Fabiola Mancinelli

Researcher and lecturer, Universitat de Barcelona



Research Lines

Anthropology of Travel and Tourism, Mobility as a Lifestyle, Touristic Uses of Memory, and Immaterial Heritage and its Commodification Processes

Fabiola Mancinelli has a BA in Philosophy from the University of Naples and Paris Sorbonne, and has worked as a tour guide while continuing her studies with Anthropology. She holds a PhD in Anthropology, and for her thesis she researched processes of tourism development and intangible heritage in the Zafimaniry community of Madagascar.

Body and Health

Dolors Rodriguez Martin

Lecturer, Facultat de Medicina i Ciències de la Salut. Universidad de Barcelona


Academic Social Networks: RESEARCHGATE

Research Lines

Gender violence, approaching the subject from different perspectives, as well as the deaf community, for more than 15 years, from identity and linguistic and cultural diversity to access to the health system.

Dolors Rodríguez-Martín, is a nurse, anthropologist and doctor in social and cultural anthropology. She teaches in the Nursing degree and elegible subjects, as well as anthropology of health for medical students. She is a member of GRAPP and GENI at Universitat de Barcelona, as well as of the  Grup d’Innovació Docent GIOTEI-UB. She is member of the Equality Commission of the Facultat de Medicina i Ciències de la Salut in UB and founder of the Comissió de Violència Intrafamiliar i de Gènere in Hospital Clínic (CVIG), member of the Xarxa de Dones per la Salut, and founder member of the Comissió de Maltractaments i Salut (CMiS) from the Col·legi Oficial d’Infermeres i Infermers de Barcelona (COIB).

Identity Processes and Social Control

Emma Fàbrega Domenech

Postdoc Researcher, European Social Research Unit, Department of Social Anthropology, University of Barcelona.

Research Lines

Ageing, identity, migration and life projects

Emma Fàbrega Domènech has a Masters in Anthropological Research from the University of Manchester and a PhD in social and cultural anthropoloy from the University of Barcelona. Her areas of expertise are identity, ageing, and privileged migration, with a special focus on later life and retirement migration flows from the UK to Spain. She applies an intersectional lens to her research to explore the intricacies between privilege and precarity in later life projects

Sexual and Gender Diversity and LGBTQ+ Studies

Livia Motterle

PhD student in the programme of Advanced Studies in Social Anthropology at the Universitat de Barcelona


Academic Social Networks: ACADEMIA

Research Lines

Bodies, genders, sexualities, sexual work, public space, urban planning, stigma, rights.

Livia Motterle is a philosopher, anthropologist and feminist activist. From being granted a research scholarship by the Inventari del Patrimoni Etnològic de Catalunya (IPEC) she began to investigate the dynamics of protest of sexual workers in the Raval neighbourhood in Barcelona in 2012 with a project titled Som un barri digne. Etnografia d’una prostitució indignada com fenomen de resistència urbana al Raval. Currently she is a PhD student in the programme of Advanced Studies in Social Anthropology at the Universitat de Barcelona (UB) with a doctoral research on the narratives of resistance of sex workers in front of the institutional mechanisms of violence in Barcelona. She has done several publications and conferences on the relationship between body and space, power and violence and gender and politics. She is a member of the Research Groups on Gender, Identity and Diversity (GENI), on Exclusion and Social Control (GRECS), on Anthropology of the Body (ICA) and the Work Group Ethnography of Public Spaces.

Oscar Guasch

Historian and Anthropologist, Department of Sociology at University of Barcelona


Profile: UB

Academic Social Networks: ACADEMIA

Research Lines

Qualitative research techniques in social research, sociology of genders and sexualities

Oscar Guasch is a historian and anthropologist. He works at the Department of Sociology of Universitat de Barcelona. He is interested in masculine identities, history of heterosexuality and homophobia. He also researches gay identities and subcultures. He has been a visiting lecturer and researcher at París-Sorbonne, at Universidad Central de Veneçuela (in Caracas), at Universitat de Montpellier, at Universitat de La Laguna (in Tenerife) and at the University of Amsterdam. Lately he has been developing a research project on the caracteristics of sex work in Spain.

Territory, Decoloniality and Resistances

Maria Ignacia Ibarra Eliessetch

PhD candidate in the Society and Culture programme at UB


Research Lines

María Ignacia Ibarra Eliessetch is a Sociologist, MB in Social Anthropology, PhD candidate in the Culture and Society Programme at UB, and PhD researcher at the Center for Intercultural and Indigenous Research (CIIR).

Claudia Albano Crespo

PhD candidate, Culture and Society programme at UB


Research Lines

Gender, land restitution, forced displacement

Claudia Albano got a BA in Anthropology from the University of Barcelona and a MA in Social Anthropology from the University of Los Andes in Bogota, Colombia.

Her research project tackles the return processes of Colombian peasant women who were forcefully displaced from their territories due to an armed conflict; and who now, as beneficiaries of land restitutions programmes implemented as part of transitional justice, return home as landowners.

Art, Aesthetics, and Identity

Magda Polo Pujadas

PhD in Philosophy. Professor of Aesthetics and Art Theory and History of Music at the Art History Department at the Universitat de Barcelona.


Academic social media: perfil UB, ORCID, Academia, ResearchGate

Research lines

Philosophy, Philosophy of Music, Philosophy of dance, Aesthetics, History of Music, Artistic Interdisciplinarity, Gender.

Magda Polo has a PhD in Philosophy from the UB (1997), for which she obtained a Training of Research Personnel (FPI) scholarship from the Generalitat de Catalunya. She has been an assistant professor and associate professor at various universities, as well as full professor at the Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya (ESMUC).

She has been the codirector of and has taught at the UB, ESMUC, and URV master’s degree in Music as an Interdisciplinary Art, and director of the UOC and UAB master’s degrees in Edition.

She is a member of several competitive research groups from the UB, UAH, and UCM. She has been the PI of the AGAUR consolidated research group AASD (2017SGR326) and she is the IP of the international group EICA (Real Academia de España en Roma). She has written more than thirty books, among which the most relevant ones are: Estètica de la música (2007), Estética de la música. La música de cine (2008), La música dels sentiments. Filosofia de la música de la Ilustración (Primera edició 2011, Segona edició 2017), Historia de la música (Primera edició 2010, Segona edició 2011, Tercera edició 2014, Quarta edició 2016, Cinquena edició 2020), Les Vienes de Wittgenstein (2011), Música pura i música programàtica en el Romanticisme (2010), Música pura y música programática en el Romanticismo (2011), Estètica (2012), Pensamiento y música a cuatro manos. La creatividad musical en los siglos XX y XXI (Primera edició 2014, Segona edició 2015), Pensament i música a quatre mans. la creativitat musical als segles XX i XXI, Filosofía de la danza (2015),  El cuerpo  incalculable (2018), Pensamiento musical (Primera edició 2019,  Segona edició 2020). Com a poeta ha publicat: Gris alma (2019), A contratemps (2019), A contratiempo (2020), Filosofía crepuscular(2020), El olvido de la gravedad (2021) and Batecs en compàs d’espera (2022).

She has been the president of A FAD, creator and director of the TTOO of Barcelona, and president of the UNE. He has created and directed several interdisciplinary shows, such as Babilòna (2010), Scriptum (2010), Sinestàtic (2011), Ad libitum (2011), Antídot (2012), Volaverunt (2012), and Quartet de corda per a violoncel sol en Sol major (2012).

members of the group

European Ethnologist and Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute for Cultural Analysis and European Ethnology, LMU Munich, Germany


Academic social networks: ORCID

Research Lines

Reproductive rights, abortion stigma, (anti)feminism, social movements, protest aesthetics and visual culture, affect studies, transformation processes in (Eastern) Europe

Agnieszka Balcerzak is a postdoctoral researcher and lecturer at the Institute for Cultural Analysis and European Ethnology at LMU Munich in Germany. She holds a Master’s degree in German Philology from UAM Poznań in Poland, a Master’s degree in Eastern European Studies and a PhD in European Ethnology from LMU Munich. She is a member of several scientific associations, including the International Society for Ethnology and Folklore (SIEF), the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA), the German Association for Empirical Cultural Studies (DGEKW), and the European Society of Contraception and Reproductive Health (ESC). Agnieszka Balcerzak’s latest publication is her PhD thesis on the polarised protest culture in post-communist Poland Zwischen Kreuz und Regenbogen. Eine Ethnografie der polnischen Protestkultur nach 1989 (Transcript 2020), awarded the PhD Prize of the Faculty for the Study of Culture at LMU Munich. Her current research project is a comparative ethnological investigation of abortion stigma (de)construction drawing on research stays in Germany, Croatia, Ireland, Poland and the USA.

Independent researcher

Research lines

Anthropologist specialized in gender studies from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​with a year at the University of Berkeley, California. She is currently working at the Acció Social i Infància Foundation, where she is doing fieldwork in the Children’s Homes to make proposals to incorporate the intersectional perspective. She obtained the 2022-23 collaboration grant with the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology of the UAB, where she worked with research groups such as AFIN or egolab-GRAFO. She has also worked in the associative fabric of Badalona, ​​and is one of the founders and volunteers of Qaliu, an LGTBIQA+ organization in the same city.

Associate Professor, Universitat de Barcelona


Research Lines

Sex/gender systems (particularly in Ancient History) and corporalities

Anthropologist and photojournalist


Research Lines

Matriarchal Communities

Doctoral Researcher. Departament d’Antropologia Social, Universitat de Barcelona


Research lines

Asylum, Migration, Reception, Integration, Exclusion, Violence, Asylum Seekers’ Rights.

Arnau Poy has a BA in Social and Cultural Anthropology from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and an MA in Anthropology and Ethnography from the Universitat de Barcelona. He is currently a doctoral researcher at the Departament d’Antropologia Social de la Universitat de Barcelona. Drawing from the anthropological ethnographic tradition, his research focuses on the analysis of the exclusion and precarious situations experienced in Spain by those asylum seekers excluded from the International Protection Reception System, as well the systematic breach of their rights.

Professor, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universitat de Barcelona


Research Lines

Mental health, from the perspective of gender in relation to violence, in the construction of bodily identity of youngsters with anorexia and in the processes of inclusion of disabled people.

Assumpta Rigol, is a nurse specialising in Mental Health, Master in Social Psychiatry and Doctor in Social and Cultural Anthropology. She teaches nursing students on Mental Health and medical students on the anthropology of health. She is a member of  GRAPP and GENI at Universitat de Barcelona, Grup d’Innovació Docent GIOTEI-UB, and of the Red Panamericana de Enfermería en Salud Mental. She is currently the president of the Equality Comission of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences and she belongs to different scientific associations. Founding member of the Centre for Australian Studies at Universitat de Barcelona, honour member of the Colegio de Profesionales de Enfermería de Misiones (Argentina, de la Asociación Universitaria de Estudios de las Mujeres (AUDEM), among others. She belongs to the editorial team of the journal PRESENCIA and of the Uruguayan Nursing Journal. She has published in many journals, edited several books and been a speaker at a number of national and international conferences. 

Professor in the Nursing Department, Universitat de Barcelona


Research Lines

Anthropology of Gender and Family, Anthropology of Health

Carmen López holds a PhD on Social Anthropology by the Universitat de Barcelona. She coordinates the Master on Programes de Prevenció, vigilància i control relacionades amb el sistema sanitari UB/IL3 since 2011.  She is a Professor of the Nursing Department on Public, Mental and Mother-Child Health at the Universitat de Barcelona. She trains nurses and doctors on Public Health, Health Education and Epidemiology of Infections.

Lecturer, Universitat de Barcelona


Research Lines:

Community Dynamics, Social Cohesion, Public Space, Youth and Community, Youth and Violence, Exclusion and Space.

Cèlia Premat has an extensive experience in the field of education, applied anthropology and Strategic Planning, as well as in training, support and advising professionals. She has worked in research and community professional and transversal practice and its application to education and to knowledge transfer.
She also specialises in community dynamics and  network building, with experience among various groups (from a gender, age and cultural origin perspective). She has a strong knowledge of territories and neighbourhoods from the perspectives of the public space, service providers and public authorities. She is also interested in issues regarding social cohesion, intercultural dialogue, cross-generational relations and gender relations.

PhD candidate, Culture and Society program (UB)


Research Lines

Intersectionality, gender, migration, sex-trafficking, integration, ethnography.

Chiara Gunella is a PhD candidate at the University of Barcelona. She holds a Bachelor in Anthropology, Religions, and Oriental Civilizations obtained at the University of Bologna. During her bachelor’s degree, she investigated the relationship between the Italian Territorial Commission and the asylum seekers, observing the narratives of migrants and the intercultural competences of the Commissions, with a focus on migrant women narratives. During her bachelor she spent one year at Dalarna University in Falun, attending the program on African Studies. Afterward, Chiara took part in the European Master in Migration and Intercultural Relations (EMMIR). Her master thesis was based on a Participatory Arts-Based Feminist Action Research conducted with migrant women who were sex- trafficked or who had faced forced marriage. In her thesis, performative arts were used to investigate the women’s sense of agency in the country of arrival and, if intercultural dialogue occurred afterward. Now, Chiara wants to explore the area of sex trafficking in Catalunya, and she wants to study the integration strategies acted by ex-trafficked women to integrate into the region. Chiara’s aim is to collect women’s narratives and to look at the effectiveness of the integration policies that the area offers to them, through the lens of the paradigm of intersectionality.

PhD candidate, Culture and Society programme at UB


Research Lines

Gender, land restitution, forced displacement

Claudia Albano got a BA in Anthropology from the University of Barcelona and a MA in Social Anthropology from the University of Los Andes in Bogota, Colombia.

Her research project tackles the return processes of Colombian peasant women who were forcefully displaced from their territories due to an armed conflict; and who now, as beneficiaries of land restitutions programmes implemented as part of transitional justice, return home as landowners.

Lecturer, Facultat de Medicina i Ciències de la Salut. Universidad de Barcelona


Academic Social Networks: RESEARCHGATE

Research Lines

Gender violence, approaching the subject from different perspectives, as well as the deaf community, for more than 15 years, from identity and linguistic and cultural diversity to access to the health system.

Dolors Rodríguez-Martín, is a nurse, anthropologist and doctor in social and cultural anthropology. She teaches in the Nursing degree and elegible subjects, as well as anthropology of health for medical students. She is a member of GRAPP and GENI at Universitat de Barcelona, as well as of the  Grup d’Innovació Docent GIOTEI-UB. She is member of the Equality Commission of the Facultat de Medicina i Ciències de la Salut in UB and founder of the Comissió de Violència Intrafamiliar i de Gènere in Hospital Clínic (CVIG), member of the Xarxa de Dones per la Salut, and founder member of the Comissió de Maltractaments i Salut (CMiS) from the Col·legi Oficial d’Infermeres i Infermers de Barcelona (COIB).

PhD Student (UNIR)


Research Lines

Hate crimes, sexual orientation- and gender identity-based discrimination.

Eduardo Lizardo González is currently doing the Knowledge Society and Education, Communication, Rights, and New Technologies Action PhD Programme at the Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR). He has a master’s degree in Knowledge Society (UOC) and bachelor degrees in Political Science and Public Administration, and Law (UOC).

PhD and Lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Universidad de Barcelona


Research Lines

Mediterranean diet; teaching innovation creating materials and conducting teachers training in relation to Gamification; Gender Violence.

Elena Maestre is a nurse, dietician and Master in ICTs, specialised on Gamification and teaching innovation. She is currently a PhD candidate on ICTs and e-learning. She is a lecturer in the Nursing degree, Biochemistry and Nutrition, also teaching elective subjects in the Masters of Nursing and Journalism. She is a member of the Teaching Innovation Group GIOTEI-UB. She belongs to the board of equality of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences in UB, is secretary of the Societat Catalana  d’Alimentació i Dietètica Clínica at the Acadèmia de Ciències Mèdiques de Catalunya, and a external consultant at the Col·legi de Dietistes de Catalunya (CODINUCAT), she also collaborates with Ferran Adrià’s Bulli Foundation.

Postdoc Researcher, European Social Research Unit, Department of Social Anthropology, University of Barcelona.

Research Lines

Ageing, identity, migration, life projects, territorial inequalities

Emma Fàbrega Domènech has a Masters in Anthropological Research from the University of Manchester and a PhD in Social and Cultural Anthropoloy from the University of Barcelona. Her areas of expertise are identity, ageing, and privileged migration, with a special focus on later life and retirement migration flows from the UK to Spain. She applies an intersectional lens to her research to explore the intricacies between privilege and precarity in later life projects. She currently works as a postdoctoral researcher at the European Social Research Unit on various HORIZON Europe projects. 

Midwife, assisting in the Institut Clínic de Ginecologia, Obstetrícia i Neonatologia de l’Hospital Clínic de Barcelona at Casa Maternitat, Barcelona


Academic Social Networks: ORCID

Research Lines

Kinship, reproductive health, assisted reproduction techniques, learning and innovation in teaching.

Midwife, assisting at the Institut Clínic de Ginecologia, Obstetrícia i Neonatologia de l’Hospital Clínic de Barcelona at Casa Maternitat, Barcelona. Lecturer at the Departament de Infermeria Salut Pública, Salut Mental i Maternoinfantil at Universitat de Barcelona (part time), teaching Sexual and Reproductive Health. With a degree in Social and Cultural anthropology and a PhD in Social and Cultural Anthropology by the Universitat de Barcelona with a research on women’s, couples’ and professionals’ perceptions during pregnancy, delivery and postpartum after assisted reproduction techniques. Member of the group ACOPI-UB, Aprenentatge de Competències Professionals en Infermeria, Grup Innovació Docent Consolidat, GINDOC-UB/145. She collaborated in the project “EU Birth Research Project Action IS1405. Research into birth practices”, in the work group about neuro-psico-social perspectives.

PhD Researcher

Research Lines

Identity, Immigration, Nation Building

Eunice Romero Rivera, has a degree in political science and a master in public policies by Tec de Monterrey (Mexico), and her Proficiency in Academic Research in sociology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. She has researched on identity, nation building and immigration. Currently she is doing a PhD in the Societat de la Informació Programme at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Her PhD analyses how processes of national subjectivity interrelate and co-build social stratification in the sentiment of Catalan belonging.

PhD candidate in the Culture and Society Programme at UB


Academic Social Networks: ACADEMIA

Research Lines

Migrant women; formation of ‘good life’ idees in working practices; atuonomous; modern slavery at the boundaries of (il)legality; gender relations and cultural transmission; overqualification of workers.

Gemma Antón holds a degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology and Social Education by UB. She has a Master degree on Equal Oportunities for Women by the Institut Europeu d’Estudis Empresarials and a Master on Anthropology and Ethnography by UB, with the thesis: Conciliación e igualdad de genero. Planteamiento y procesos de los planes de igualdad de oportunidades entre mujeres y hombres y su impacto en las relaciones en el doble trabajo.

She is currently working on the PhD: Reproducción social, migración y generaciones. El caso de las mujeres brasileñas en Barcelona, within the Culture and Society Programme in Anthropology at UB.
She has worked as a researcher in the field of work and personal skills certification within the European project DISCoRSI Migrants: Interregional Dialogue on Services in the field of migrant Integration services in the areas of Housing, Health and Job/Competencies certification in Piedmont, Auvergne-Rhône Alpes and Catalonia Regions [Project 275 – CUP H19D17000780005]. Since 2013 she has been doing her research within the Research Group Estudis Sobre Reciprocitat -GER-UB, and she is the founder and coordinator of the Research Group on Antropologia i Significats de Treball –GREAST, at the Institut Català d’Antropologia –ICA.

Lecturer and researcher. Department of Political Science and Sociology, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela


Academic Social Networks: ORCID

Research Lines

Tourism, LGBTIphobia, urban studies, gender and sexuality, victimisation, labour

Graduated in business administration (Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid) and in art history (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia), with a master’s degree in publicly oriented anthropology (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), he has a PhD in human sciences (anthropology) from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, with a thesis on the role of the LGBTI Pride in Madrid’s tourism promotion and image, regarding World Pride 2017. He is the author of several queer studies essays.

Professor of Social Anthropology, University of Zaragoza
Research lines
Her line of research focuses on the body, gender and health. She focuses on female genital modifications, comparing the practices included in the international concept of female genital mutilation with Western genital cosmetic surgeries. She uses the theoretical context of medical anthropology to analyze how medical discourse constructs disease through the pathologizing of “labial hypertrophy”, generating the feeling of affliction. She also uses a postcolonial perspective, problematizing the concept of female genital mutilation that excludes these interventions and applies a reductionist vision of the social dynamics and strategies that are present.

Professor Emeritus at Universitat de Barcelona


Academic Social Networks: ACADEMIA

Research Lines

Anthropology of Kinship, Kinship and Reproduction, Assisted Reproduction, Kinship and Religion.

Prof. Joan Bestard (M), was the Director of the “Research Group of Anthropology of Kinship and Heritage” (GRAPP) which later merged into GENI. He has great expertise on issues of family, kinship and heritage from a socio-cultural anthropological perspective. Recently his research focus has been on the changing meaning of the symbols of kinship in the context of new reproductive technologies as well as the public perception of genetics. In the last fifteen years he has been the tutor for twenty doctoral dissertations about different aspects of change in family relations. He has conducted fieldwork in Formentera, Catalonia and Poland, studying issues relating to residency, cultural aspects of kinship and implications of techniques of assisted reproduction on family building. He is author of books like Casa i Familia, What’s in a Relative or Parentesco y Modernidad, recently he has co-edited the book “Familias”. Historia de la sociedad española (de la Edad Media a nuestros días), together with the History Professor Francisco Chacón, from Universitat de Múrcia.

Grups de recerca:

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Cultural Anthropology/European Ethnology, University of Göttingen (Germany) and Research Fellow at the University of the Free State (South Africa)


Research Lines

Personal and social identities, essentialism, nationalism, radicalisation, experimental and collaborative research methods

Jonatan Kurzwelly obtained his PhD from the University of St Andrews in 2017. He currently works as a researcher in the VW Foundation project “Sensitive Provenance” focusing on human remains from colonial context.

He serves as a member of the executive board of the Anthropology Southern Africa (ASnA) association. Jonatan holds two citizenships but identifies with no nationality. Some of his publications can be found here.

Lecturer at the Universitat de Barcelona (UB)


Academic media: ORCID

Research lines

Social Sciences research techniques, welfare and social policies (health, dependence and social exclusion)

Jordi Caïs has a PhD in Sociology from the Universitat de Barcelona. He finished his doctoral studies between the Universitat de Barcelona and the Sociology Department of the University of California San Diega, where he studied with a Fulbright scholarship and where he specialised in comparative and longitudinal research techniques. He also has an MSc in European Social Policies from the London School of Economics and a BSc in Economics from the Universitat de Barcelona.

He works as a professor at the Sociology Department at the Universitat de Barcelona. He has also worked as a professor for several bachelor and graduate programmes in Spanish and international universities (Berkeley, Chicago, Portland State, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Universitat de Lleida, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya). He has directed a dozen doctoral theses.

He is an expert in Social Sciences qualitative research techniques. He also conducts research and publishes in the fields of welfare and social policies (health, dependence and exclusion). He has conducted research funded by the European Social Fund, the European Council, the Spanish Education and Science Ministry, AGAUR, Recercaixa, Fundación Argentaria, Fundación Foessa, Fundació Grifols, Creu Roja and Diputació de Barcelona. He was the Spanish representative at the Action 13 Changing Labour Markets, Welfare Policies and Citizenship EU COST programme for six years.

Lecturer in the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology at the University of Valencia (Spain)


Profiles: Google Scholar, Research GateACADEMIA

Research Areas 

Sexual and gender diversity, LGBTQ studies, hate speech and hate crimes, LGBTQ-phobia.

Jordi Mas Grau holds a degree in Sociology and a PhD in Social Anthropology from the University of Barcelona. His areas of academic specialization include the study of gender, sexualities, and LGBTQ-phobia. He has conducted numerous national and international publications and research projects on LGBTQ-phobia, hate speech and hate crimes, and processes of social exclusion.

Full Professor Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)


Academic Social Networks: ORCID, ResearchGate, Academia

Research Lines

Gender, sexuality, love, ethnography, migrations, biographical memory, organisational studies.

Jordi Roca Girona has a BA in General History and Geography and a PhD in Anthropology from the Universitat de Barcelona. He is a professor at the Anthropology, Philosophy, and Social Work Department of the URV.

He has been in charge of the Grup de Recerca d’Antropologia Social (SGR0023) and he has participated in more than thirty national and international research projects, from which he has been PI in ten. Recently he has been in charge of four consecutive projects from the national Spanish R+D plan, on love migrations and bi-national couples.

He has done fieldwork in Brazil, Mexico and Ucraine. Among his books De la pureza a la maternidad. La construcción del genero femenino en la postguerra espanyola (National Cultural Research Prize from the Spanish Culture Ministery); Etnografía (several authors); Antropología Industrial y de la Empresa; Migrantes por Amor. La búsqueda de pareja en el escenario transnacional (Dir.); Amores lejanos. Historias de parejas trnasnacionales (with Marta Allué); and Rethinking Romantic Love. Discussions, Imaginaries and Practices (co-editor) can be highlighted.

He has researched and collaborated with several Mexican (UNAM, Iberoamericana, Ciesas, Quintana Roo), Brazilian (Campinas, UF de Río de Janeiro, UF de Rio Grande do Norte), US (Berkeley), Colombian (Pereira) and Portuguese (ISCTE, UTAD) universities.

PhD candidate in Social and Cultural Anthropology, UB


Research Lines

Anthropology of the body, anthropology of music, studies of performance and collective and individual identity construction through music

Josep Lluís Lancina Murillo is a PhD student in Social and Cultural Anthropology at the Universitat de Barcelona (UB). Graduated in Social and Cultural anthropology and Master in Anthropology and Ethnography by UB. His research object is the role of identity elements of bodily movements in musical performance in different local music scenes. He is a member of the research group on anthropology of the body at the Catalan Institute of Anthropology (ICA). He has recently published “En La Roca, el hardcore es cultura”. Las prácticas DIY y la construcción de una identidad local” Cuadernos de Arte e Antropologia, vol. 5, p. 43-58.

Researcher and lecturer. University of Barcelona


Profile: ESRU

Academic Social Networks: ACADEMIA

Research Lines

Anthropology of travel and tourism, mobility as a lifestyle, the touristic uses of memory, and immaterial heritage and its commodification processes.

Fabiola Mancinelli has a BA in Philosophy from the University of Naples and Paris Sorbonne, and has worked as a tour guide while continuing her studies with Anthropology. She holds a PhD in Anthropology, and for her thesis she researched processes of tourism development and intangible heritage in the Zafimaniry community of Madagascar. She currently works as a tour guide and as an adjunct professor at the University of Barcelona, where she teaches Anthropology of Tourism and Ethnologic Heritage and Museology for the BA in Social and Cultural Anthropology, and New Tendencies in the Demand of Tourist Destinations for the MA in Urban Tourism.

Phd Student at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales


Academic Social Networks: ACADEMIA

Research Lines

Medical technology, reproductive rights and health, genetics, kinship, and ethnographic fieldwork

Giulia Colavolpe Severi (MA) holds a Master’s degree in Social Anthropology from École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (Paris). She is currently enrolled in a doctoral program of the same institution, and has been a visiting PhD student in Chile and Spain.

Lecturer. Universitat de Barcelona

Academic social media: ORCID. Researchgte

Research Lines

Sexualities, gender, love, motherhood, social change, and research techniques in Social Sciences

PhD in Sociology at the University of Barcelona. Lecturer at the Sociology Department at the same university. She has taught in different undergraduate, postgraduate and Master’s degrees from different universities (national and international) on subjects related to sociological theory, social control, sexualities, sexual and gender delinquency, and social research techniques. She has chaired the Sociology of Sexuality Research Committee of the Spanish Federation of Sociology (2014-2020), where she has coordinated its working groups since 2010, and is member of the Scientific Committee of the international meetings for the CIAIQ Qualitative Research Conferences since 2020. 

Laia Llinàs Bertran

Conference interpreter and Associate Professor at the Translation and Interpreting Department, Autonomous University of Barcelona.

Academic Networks: ACADEMIA

Research Lines

Linguistic anthropology, globalization, linguistic rights, minority languages.

MA in Anthropology and Ethnography (University of Barcelona). MA in Conference Interpretation (Autonomous University of Barcelona). BA in translation and conference interpretation Autonomous University of Barcelona). She currently works as a conference interpreter and as an associate professor in the Department of Translation and Interpretation at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.


Llinas Bertran, Laia (2020): El Catalán en la interpretación judicial. Estudio de caso del 1 de Octubre.
Llinas Bertran, Laia (2017): Etnografia de la comunicació del col·lectiu xinès de Mollet del Vallès: diàspora i integració intercultural.
Llinas Bertran, Laia (2016): El català a la interpretació de conferències a institucions internacionals (les Nacions Unides i la Unió Europea)

Assistant Professor. Universidad Alberto Hurtado.


Academic social media: ORCID, Academia

Research lines

Voluntary termination of pregnancy and conscientious objection, human rights, reproductive technologies

Lieta Vivaldi Macho is a feminist scholar with a PhD in Sociology from Goldsmiths, University of London, and an MSc in Sociology from the London School of Economics and Political Sciences. She is a lawyer and holds a diploma in Gender and Violence from the Universidad de Chile. Lieta is currently an Assistant Professor at the Universidad Alberto Hurtado, where she directs the Law, Gender and Social Justice Programme. She is an advisor to the National Institute of Human Rights. Her research focuses on human rights, sexual and reproductive rights, sociology, and law, biopolitics and feminisms.

Lieta is also an associate researcher at the Faculty of Law of the Universidad Diego Portales and the Faculty of Philosophy of the Universidad de Chile. She is a board member of the International Institute for Philosophy and Social Studies, IIPSS (Chile), the Chilean Association of Feminist Lawyers (ABOFEM) and the Right to Choose Foundation (Chile).

Postdoctoral researcher. Universitat de Barcelona


Academic Social Networks: ACADEMIA

Research Lines

Bodies, genders, sexualities, sexual work, public space, urban planning, stigma, rights.

Livia Motterle is a postdoctoral research fellow at the Department of Sociology of the University of Barcelona in a  project funded by European Union that tackle and respond on-line gender-based violence against women and LGBTIQ+ community. Previously (2019-2021) she was a postdoctoral researcher at the Centre of Gender Studies and Research, UNAM, Mexico City, with a project focused on understanding the stigmatizing practices towards sex workers in Mexico City and Barcelona, as well as the dissidence strategies of this collective. She obtained a degree in Philosophy from the University of Bologna (Italy) and a Master in Anthropology and Ethnography from the University of Barcelona (Spain). She holds a PhD in Advanced Studies in Social Anthropology at the University of Barcelona (A with honours). She has conducted research (all funded) on the relationship between sex work, gender-related violence, sexuality, feminism, intersectionality, public space, and dissidence. Her published work and conference papers—presented nationally and internationally—focus on these topics. Dr. Livia Motterle has taught undergraduate and graduate level courses on feminism, sexuality, sex work, urbanism, and public space. She is part of the research team of an international project on gender-related violence in Catalan and Mexican universities (funded by the Government of Catalonia) and another international project on hate speech in networks (funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and University). She is a feminist for sex workers’ rights, and she collaborate since 2012 with the collective Putas Libertarias in Barcelona. She is coordinator of the Research Group on Anthropology of Sexuality (ICA) and is a member of the Latin American Network of Interdisciplinary Gender Studies (CIEG-Yale University-UNAM), of the Research Group on Gender, Identity and Diversity (GENI-UB) and of the Observatory for the Anthropology of Urban Conflict (OACU-UB).

Head of Research at Institut de Seguretat Pública de Catalunya, Departament d’Interior de la Generalitat


Research Lines

Culture in law enforcement; Gender, equality and discrimination in the judicial system and police forces, law enforcement training.

Lola Vallès has an extensive professional and action-research experience in the areas of justice and police forces. Her research activities have comprised studies on racial profiling, public order, conflict management, law enforcement training, the behaviour of victims and survivors of catastrophes, gender and equality issues within the police forces and identity construction of police officers. Similarly, she has a long international trajectory that comprises participation in European research projects, research networks on police training like CEPOL, the European Agency for Law Enforcement Training and  FRANCOPOL. Lola Vallès holds a degree in Anthropology and a master in Criminology, disciplines she combines in her research work. Currently she is working on her Phd on law enforcement culture. Additionally, she has extensive experience as a lecturer at UOC and UB.

Professor at the Faculty of Arts of Universidad Central del Ecuador


Academic social media: ACADEMIA, ORCID, Google Scholar, ResearchGate

Research Lines

Transdisciplinarity; Anthropology of death; Stigmatization of diseases; Suicidology; Movement; Body psychology; Health and discrimination; Anthropology of the body; Narratives and Body biographies.  

Lorena is a PhD in Social and Cultural Anthropology (International Mention by the University of Sao Paulo, Summa Cum Laude award) by the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Senescyt Scholarship). PhD in Health, Psychology and Psychiatry from Rovira i Virgili University (Carolina Foundation Scholarship of Spain). University teacher and transdisciplinary researcher at undergraduate, master’s and doctoral level, nationally and internationally. Master’s degree in Cultural Studies, with emphasis on Arts and Visual Studies. Degree in Applied Anthropology and also Clinical Psychologist. During the 2019-2021 period, she carried out a postdoctoral stay with the Iberoamerican General Secretariat Research Grant-Fundació Carolina in Spain. Dancer with studies in art therapy. She is currently a teacher in the Dance course at the Faculty of Arts of the Central University of Ecuador. 

Coordinator of the advanced course “Suicide in Ecuador: an analysis from human rights” Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar (2019, Ecuador). Dr. Campo is a co-founding member of the Ibero-American Research Network on Suicidology (REDISUI) and representative of Ecuador in the Association of Suicidology for Latin America and the Caribbean (ASULAC). 

Author of texts such as: The implantation of the taboo in cultural life: the COVID-19 pandemic and suicide; Suicide ethnographies in South America; Basic Anthropology Dictionary; Say goodbye to yourself. Loss and mourning in stigmatizing diseases. The case of people with Hansen; or the proposal: Dialogues in movement: Theoretical-methodological reflections on dance as an interdisciplinary research resource. Psychotherapist with an object relations approach (Winnicott) from which she has developed the tool of “body logs”, exposed in his book Memories in movement: body testimonies on the diagnosis of “bipolar disorder. «Once upon a time a Catalunya» L’antropologia d’allò sensible in times of pandemic. El Zorro y su sombra, an analytical story donated for publication in the book Amigo Zorro (Spain, 2021), together with a group of Spanish artists and activists from different disciplines with the aim of dignifying the image of the fox in the Iberian Peninsula. 

Expert in body transdisciplinary research methodology, related to stigmatizing health situations. She has taught doctoral seminars at the Universidad del País Vasco /EHU on transdisciplinary suicide research. 

Juan de la Cierva Postdoctoral Researcher of Social Anthropology Department at the University of Barcelona

Research lines

Refugees, forced migration, immigration and asylum policies, the EU and Turkey.

Sevda Tunaboylu studied at the University of Bogazici (B.S. in Political Science and International Relations, 2013), University College London (M.Sc. in Social Development, 2015), University of Pompeu Fabra (M.A. in Migration Studies, 2017, and Ph.D. in Political and Social Sciences 2021). She has held visiting research appointments at the University of Koc (2019) and the University of Maastricht (2019).

Her Ph.D. was awarded AGAUR-FI predoctoral grant, resulted in several articles that have explored migration aspirations of refugees in Greece and Turkey.

In 2022, she worked in open access academic publishing, where she edited and developed strategies for the journal advocating for science open to all.

Sevda’s current research is being funded by Juan de la Cierva formacion. This postdoctoral research focuses on the experiences of third country nationals with precarious legal status within the context of EU immigration and asylum policies.

PhD in Philosophy. Professor of Aesthetics and Art Theory and History of Music at the Art History Department at the Universitat de Barcelona.


Academic social media: perfil UB, ORCID, Academia, ResearchGate

Research lines

Philosophy, Philosophy of Music, Philosophy of dance, Aesthetics, History of Music, Artistic Interdisciplinarity, Gender.

Magda Polo has a PhD in Philosophy from the UB (1997), for which she obtained a Training of Research Personnel (FPI) scholarship from the Generalitat de Catalunya. She has been an assistant professor and associate professor at various universities, as well as full professor at the Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya (ESMUC).

She has been the codirector of and has taught at the UB, ESMUC, and URV master’s degree in Music as an Interdisciplinary Art, and director of the UOC and UAB master’s degrees in Edition.

She is a member of several competitive research groups from the UB, UAH, and UCM. She has been the PI of the AGAUR consolidated research group AASD (2017SGR326) and she is the IP of the international group EICA (Real Academia de España en Roma). She has written more than thirty books, among which the most relevant ones are: Estètica de la música (2007), Estética de la música. La música de cine (2008), La música dels sentiments. Filosofia de la música de la Ilustración (Primera edició 2011, Segona edició 2017), Historia de la música (Primera edició 2010, Segona edició 2011, Tercera edició 2014, Quarta edició 2016, Cinquena edició 2020), Les Vienes de Wittgenstein (2011), Música pura i música programàtica en el Romanticisme (2010), Música pura y música programática en el Romanticismo (2011), Estètica (2012), Pensamiento y música a cuatro manos. La creatividad musical en los siglos XX y XXI (Primera edició 2014, Segona edició 2015), Pensament i música a quatre mans. la creativitat musical als segles XX i XXI, Filosofía de la danza (2015),  El cuerpo  incalculable (2018), Pensamiento musical (Primera edició 2019,  Segona edició 2020). Com a poeta ha publicat: Gris alma (2019), A contratemps (2019), A contratiempo (2020), Filosofía crepuscular(2020), El olvido de la gravedad (2021) and Batecs en compàs d’espera (2022).

She has been the president of A FAD, creator and director of the TTOO of Barcelona, and president of the UNE. He has created and directed several interdisciplinary shows, such as Babilòna (2010), Scriptum (2010), Sinestàtic (2011), Ad libitum (2011), Antídot (2012), Volaverunt (2012), and Quartet de corda per a violoncel sol en Sol major (2012).

Researcher, European Social Research Unit, Department of Social Anthropology, Universitat de Barcelona


Academic Social Networks: ACADEMIA

Research Lines

Gender, hate speech and hate crimes, racism, digital anthropology.

Malin Roiha holds a PhD in Social Anthropology from the University of Barcelona. She has a degree in Social Anthropology and Gender Studies and a Master’s in Anthropology from Stockholm University. She is a researcher at the European Social Research Unit in the Department of Social Anthropology at UB, where she is currently working on the transnational coordination of the EXIT research project.

Doctorand d’Antropologia Social a la UB

Línies de treball

Sex and gender diversity and space (re)production

Marc Fernández graduated in Social Work at the University of Barcelona (UB) and works in socio-educational and community intervention in Ciutat Meridiana.
He completed his Master’s degree in Anthropology and Ethnography at the UB and is currently a doctoral student in the “Societat i Cultura” Program (Anthropology) at the same University. His main research interests are the social (re)production of space, gender, sexuality, and sexual practices at the margins.

PhD in Society and Culture of the UB


Academic social media: Academia, Researchgate

Research Lines

Decolonial feminisms, experiences and political practices of women of indigenous peoples, cossos-territories, spiritualities, community justice and struggles for the commons, themes that she has developed mainly in Xile, Mexico and Barcelona

María Ignacia Ibarra Eliessetch, PhD in Society and Culture (in the line of social anthropology) from the University of Barcelona; sociologist (Universitat Alberto Hurtado, Xile) and Master in Social Anthropology (Universitat Iberoamericana, Mexico). Part of the Grup de Treball sobre pobles indígenes, canvi climatic i polítiques públiques del Centre d’Estudis Interculturals i Indígenes (*CIIR, Xile). Member of the Editorial Committee of the Journal Trenar: Educació popular, Pedagogies crítiques i Recerca Militant.

PhD Researcher, Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Academic Social Networks: RESEARCHGATE

Research Lines

Anthropology of Migration, Gender and Health

PhD Researcher with a Doctoral Grant at DAFITS, Universitat Rovira i Virgili. Maria Offenhenden holds a degree in Anthropology, sociocultural orientation by the Universidad of Buenos Aires, Argentina (2007) and a Master on Migration and Social Mediation by Universitat Rovira i Virgili (2012). Between 2005 and 2010 she work in diverse social intervention projects for immigrant population in Italy .

Lecturer at the Social Education and Social Work Faculty – Pere Tarrés (Universitat Ramón Llull)


Research Lines

Anthropology of Kinship, Gender and Social Control

Degree in Social Work by UB (1999). Postgraduate in Mental Health and intervention with ethnic minorities, migrants and refugees by UB (2000). Degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology by UB (2007). PhD in Social and Cultural Anthropology by UB (2015) with an ethnographic thesis on social long term breast-feeding and other uses of corporeality in motherhood. She has also conducted research on a diagnostic study about childhood, adolescence and families lead by the Fundació Tot Raval, together with the CIIMU, published in 2007. She collaborates in a I+D project about the individualisation of parenthood. She has given conferences at multiple nacional and international congresses and published scientific papers in research journals and specialised books. She is a co-founder and member of the association Maternitats i Paternitats Contemporànies.

Educadora infantil i estudiant del màster d’Antropologia i Etnografia, Universitat de Barcelona


Research lines

Kinship and reproduction, body and sexual and gender diversity


Research lines

Sexuality, infancy, Anthropology of secrecy and popular culture

Martí Torra has a BA in Social and Cultural Anthropology from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2020) and an MA in Anthropology and Ethnography from the Universitat de Barcelona (2021). From 2019 to 2022, he collaborated with the UAB’s AFIN Research Group, in which we worked on participatory action-research methodologies, and where he conducted his Master’s final thesis, “Això no es pot dir” La regulació de la sexualitat a través de la comunicació en escoles d’educació primària de Catalunya. He is currently starting working on a PhD thesis at GENI, called “Sexualitat i infantesa: una aproximació etnogràfica als usos i vivències de la sexualitat dins de centres d’educació en el lleure”.

He is a member of the Observatori d’Antropologia del Conflicte Urbà since 2022, and of the Institut Català d’Antropologia since January 2019, where he is currently a member of the research groups Cultura Popular i Conflice and Neòfit(A): Grup de Treball d’Investigadors Novells.

Member of l’Associació Antropologies


Research lines

Gender, LGBT+ exclusion/social cohesion and health

Social Anthropologist by the Universitat de Barcelona, member of the Associació Antropologies, he collaborates with the Centre d’Estudis Africans i Interculturals (CEAi) and is the editor of (con)textos: revista d’antropologia i investigació social. His approach is interdisciplinary and focused on application, and he is currently researching and carrying out educational work in the fields of gender, LGBT+, exclusion/social cohesion and health.


Research Lines

Migrations, gender, feminisms, decolonial resistances.

Martina Madaula Munt has a BA in Humanities (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) and a MA in Social Anthropology (Universiteit van Amsterdam). Her final thesis focused on fieldwork undertaken in Barcelona while working with migrant women from Latin America who worked in households and care services. Her analysis focused on the resilience and collective care processes and strategies in order to tackle the multiple oppressions they faced on a daily basis. She has also worked at a women’s space at the Nea Kavala refugee camp in Greece.



Research Lines

Labour Market and Immigration, Social Inequalities, Social Movements

Martina Pasqualetto has an academic background in Political Sciences, International Relations and Human rights (BA, University of Padua) with a specialization in European Studies (MA, University of Padua). In 2016 she pursued the executive MA in Immigration and Social Transformation at Ca’ Foscari University, Venice. Recently, she worked as a research intern at the European Social Research Unit (ESRU), University of Barcelona. Her interests are focused both on Immigration and Labour market topics: after investigating the relations between migration flows and the European labor market, her latest research examined unpaid labour, neoliberalism and social inequalities. She is currently involved in a research on Italian asylum seekers-related social movements.

President of the Comissió Catalana d’Ajuda al Refugiat


Research Lines

Immigration, International Protection, Asylum, Human Rights

Independent Researcher


Academic Social Networks: ACADEMIA

Research Lines

Genders, bodies, sexualities, kinship, reproduction, diversity in sexuality, relationships and family.

Doctor in Social and Cultural Anthropology by the UB. Member of the Research and Action Line Genders, Bodies and Sexualities (LIRAGCS), within the research group GRECS- UB, since November 2012. Since 2016, member of the LIESS Network (Laboratorio iberoamericano para el estudio sociohistórico de las sexualidades) and of the Red Temática de Estudios Transdisciplinarios del Cuerpo y las Corporalidades- Cuerpo en Red. She also works as a social educator with children, youth and family.


Academic Social Networks: LinkedIn

Research Lines

International migration, racism, liminal identities in people with immigrant background, black feminism and social exclusion.

Nagash Diallo Diallo graduated in Social and Cultural Anthropology from the University of Barcelona (2022). His most important academic work to date is a bachelor’s thesis on Race Reminiscence. Transitioning from a historical review of the topic to fieldwork among young athletes in the Catalan city of Figueres who used (or didn’t use) racial categories in their daily lives.
 His research project is to continue exploring the more specific and tangible consequences of racism, such as mental health in racialized individuals or the relationship between race and class.

Journalist and researcher


Research Lines

Social representations, intercultural communication, youth, migrations.

Omaira Beltrán Sánchez has a BA in Journalism and Social Communication from the Externado university in Colombia. She also has a MA in language and literature didactics from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. She has developed a research project on the social representations of Catalan by Latin-American people living in Catalunya. In 2010 she founded the Associació Intercultural Llatins per Catalunya, with which she has developed participatory action research projects with the Col·legi de Periodistes de Catalunya, Fundació Guné, Fundació Antoni Tàpies, among others. She currently coordinates ITACAT, the fist Intercultural Communication Agency supported by the Xarxa Barcelona Antirumors. Since 2016 she collaborates with the Diàleg Interreligiós Intercultural, a research group that shares research lines such as intercultural and interreligious dialogue, youth and migration, women and migration, and intercultural education and communication. She is currently developing at the Universitat de Barcelona a research project on young unaccompanied minors. At the same time, she is developing research projects on intercultural and decolonial journalism at the CEICAL: Centre d’Estudis Interepistèmic Catalunya América Latina.

Historian and Anthropologist, Department of Sociology at University of Barcelona


Profile: UB

Academic Social Networks: ACADEMIA

Research Lines

Qualitative research techniques in social research, sociology of genders and sexualities

Oscar Guasch is a historian and anthropologist. He works at the Department of Sociology of Universitat de Barcelona. He is interested in masculine identities, history of heterosexuality and homophobia. He also researches gay identities and subcultures. He has been a visiting lecturer and researcher at París-Sorbonne, at Universidad Central de Veneçuela (in Caracas), at Universitat de Montpellier, at Universitat de La Laguna (in Tenerife) and at the University of Amsterdam. Lately he has been developing a research project on the caracteristics of sex work in Spain.


Research Lines

Research lines:  violence, territory, identities and conflicts, human right defenders protection

Rosana Carvalho Paiva has a PhD in Social Anthropology by Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Brazil, investigating death threat situations, State and economic agents violence on territorial conflicts in the Amazon region.  Has a BA in Social Sciences and a MA in Anthropology by  Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brazil, with an investigation on peasantry, ‘quilombolas’ and ‘fundo de pasto’ communities, about territoriality, rights and identity processes.

PhD student in the Programme on Advanced Studies on Anthropology in UB

Research Lines

Anthropology of kinship and family transformations, anthropology of gender and motherhoods

Degree in Journalism by UAB; Degree and masters in Social and Cultural Anthropology by UB. She has been the technical coordinator and scholarship researcher at the Consorci d’Infància i Món Urbà de Barcelona (CIIMU) in the project ‘Famílies d’Avui. Un estudi sobre els Noves famílies a l’àrea de Barcelona’, (CIIMU/UB), funded by Inventari del Patrimoni Etnològic de Catalunya (IPEC) between 2009-2011. Her master thesis was titled: “De la solitud a l’autonomia. Processos de construcció identitària i legitimació de la maternitat com un projecte individual”. From this work she has published: Frasquet, R. M (2013): “La construcción de la maternidad como un proyecto autónomo: el caso de las madres solteras por elección a través de técnicas de reproducción asistida en Barcelona” en Maternidades, Procreación y Crianza en Transformación, pp. 163-184. Barcelona, Ed. Bellaterra.

She collaborates in the I+D Project “La individualización de las relaciones de parentesco, un estudio antropológico”, coordinated by Joan Bestard, contributing with her fieldwork with women who become mothers without a male partner.

She is currently a PhD candidate in the Programme of Advanced Studies on Anthropology at the UB and she has an APIF PhD scholarship, her dissertation analyses in-depth the way in which new forms of reproduction chosen by women who become mothers without a male partner impacts on the social and symbolic order.

Lecturer at the Department of Social Anthropology of Universitat de Barcelona


Profile: UBESRU

Research Lines

Circular Migration, Transnationalism, Intersectionality of Gender, Single-Parent Households

Rosa Lázaro Castellanos is doctor in Social Anthropology, researcher and lecturer in the Department of Social Anthorpology in the Universitat de Barcelona. She garduated on Economics in the Universidad Autónoma de Puebla and completed a Master of Science at the Colegio de Postgraduados, Mexico. She has published multiple works on feminism, circular migration and identity.

Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral researcher Universitat de Barcelona

Research Lines

Islam, gender, health, science and religion, assisted reproduction, and infertility

Rosa Martinez-Cuadros is a postdoctoral researcher Juan de la Cierva at the University of Barcelona. She holds a Ph.D. in Sociology with International Distinction and Cum Laude Mention from the Autonomous University of Barcelona in 2022. Recently, she completed a postdoctoral stay at the University of Bergamo and she was a visiting researcher at the University of Birmingham. Her pre-doctoral training took place at the University of Manchester (MA Religion and Political Life), the University of Barcelona (Master in Anthropology), Boston College (Bilateral Agreement during undergraduate studies), and Pompeu Fabra University (Bachelor in Humanities). Her doctoral thesis was funded by FPU grants and focused on the study of Islam, gender, and political and social participation. In 2021, she received the “Peter B Clarke Memorial Essay Prize” for an essay based on her doctoral thesis.

She has collaborated on various research projects on religious diversity and public expressions of religion, with a gender perspective. In 2022, she received funding from INSBS (International Network for the Study of Science and Belief in Society) at the University of Birmingham to lead and carry out a project on Islam, gender, and health with fieldwork conducted in Barcelona and Tangier. She is also a co-PI of the project RELIG23-24 titled “Religious Communities and Moral Entrepreneurs in a Context of Affective Polarization.” She is a member of the board of FIMAM (Forum for Research on the Arab and Muslim World) and president of the Associació Antropologies. Currently, she is researching the intersection of Islam, science, and health, specifically focusing on the case of infertility and the use of assisted reproduction techniques.


Lecturer and Researcher, Universitat de Barcelona / Universitat Oberta de Catalunya


Research Lines

Musicology, Gender

Sandra Soler Campo holds a PhD on History and Music Science by the Universidad de la Rioja. She did her masters in Applied Feminist, Gender and Citizenship Studies in the Universitat Jaume I and completed her degree on English and Music teaching at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili. Her research lines are feminist musicology, pedagogy and new teaching methods.  

She is currently a lecturer and researcher at UB and UOC, as well as a school and high-school teacher in Barcelona.

PhD student, School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS) in Paris.


Research Lines

Public space, gender relations, social geography, Latin-American feminisms.

Samantha Joeck is currently doing her PhD in Anthropology at the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS) in Paris, where she is working on a thesis called “”. She received her master’s degree in Sociology and Gender Studies from the EHESS in 2016, and her bachelor’s degree from the New York University (NYU) in 2010.

Adjunt Professor, Anthropology


Profile: UB

Academic Social Networks: RESEARCHGATEORCID

Research Lines

Reproductive gobernance, contraception, voluntary interruption of pregnancy and conscientious objection in Latin America and Europe.

Silvia De Zordo (PhD), social anthropologist, is Associate Professor at the University of Barcelona. Her research interests encompass reproductive governance, abortion, and social/gender inequalities in Latin America and Europe. She is the Principal Investigator on a research project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (REPROMOB – PID2020-112692RB-C22) on abortion related mobilities and self-managed abortion in Europe and Latin America: From 2016 to 2022 she led a European Research Council-funded project (Stg 680004) on barriers to legal abortion and abortion travel in Europe: Her publications include the volumes Reproduction and Biopolitics: Ethnographies of Governance, “Irrationality” and Resistance (ed. with Milena Marchesi), published by Routledge in 2014, and A Fragmented Landscape: Abortion Governance and Protest Logics in Europe (ed. with Joanna Mishtal and Lorena Anton), published by Berghahn Books in 2016. She also co-edited two Special Issues: “Re-situating Abortion: Bio-politics, Global Health and Rights in Neo-liberal Times”, co-edited with Maya Unnithan and published in 2018 in Global Public Health, and “Demographic anxiety in the age of ‘fertility’ decline”, co-edited with Diana Marre and Marcin Smietana and published in 2022 in Medical Anthropology.

Researcher, European Social Research Unit, Universitat de Barcelona

Research Lines

Migration, Asylum, Exclusion, Anthropology of the State, Policy Implementation

Alexia Rué has a PhD in social and cultural anthropology from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and a background in philosophy, social and cultural anthropology and migration studies. The doctoral research has focused on the governance of migration from the international protection reception system in Spain through an ethnographic approach to the work of public and humanitarian actors. Alèxia’s main research interests revolve around issues such as bordering, bureaucracy, labour and humanitarianism.

international partners

Claudia Palma Universidad de Costa Rica (CR) Anthropology
Ana Pekarek Professional Salta (AR) Community Psychology
Ana Perez Declercq Universidad de Salta (AR) Anthropology
Gargi Bhattacharyya University of East London (UK) Sociology
Caterina Borelli Università Ca’ Foscari (IT) Anthropology
Isabelle Carles Université Libre de Bruxelles (BL) Social Sciences
Martina Klett-Davies London School of Economics (UK) Sociology and Geography
Eleonore Kofman Middlesex University (UK) Sociology
Mónica Moreno Cambridge University (UK) Sociology
Fabio Perocco Università Ca’Foscari Venezia (IT) Sociology
Czarina Wilpert Technische Universität Berlin (AL) Sociology
Joao de Pina Cabral University of Kent (UK) Social Anthropology
Jeanette Edwards University of Manchester (UK) Social Anthropology
Giulia Colavolpe Severi IAC-LAIOS, EHESS (FR) Anthropology
Francesco Iannuzzi Università di Padova (IT) Sociology
Oliva López Sánchez UNAM FES Iztacala (MX) Sociocultural Studies
Matthew Hughey University of Connecticut (US) Sociology
Luke Stobart Birkbeck College (UK) Political Economy
Elisabetta di Giovanni University of Palermo (IT) Anthropology
Jacqueline Wagner Washington University in St. Louis (US) Anthropology

GENI also has links with different international institutions for ERASMUS+ Staff Mobility for Training and supports PhD students with Fulbright Grants in Spain.