June 19th and 20th, 2025
GENI’s “Art, Aesthetics and Identity” reserach axis invites researchers and academics interested in listening to present their communications at the International Symposium “Listening: knowing through the body”, which will take place on June 19th and 20th, 2025, in the Jane Addams Room of the Faculty of Geography and History of the University of Barcelona.
Communication proposals (Catalan, Spanish and English) must be sent to the email account The deadline for proposals is April 10th, 2025. Each proposal will have a maximum of 250 words, with 5 keywords and a brief CV of a maximum of 10 lines. Only face-to-face communications will be accepted.


12 February 2025


At the first GENI seminar of the year, Corinna S. Guerzoni will present ‘Looking for embryos. An Ethnographic Analysis of Embryo Donation in Spain’ 


The seminar will take place on February 12 from 16h00 to 17h30 at the seminari d’antropologia.



3 December 2024


The final GENI seminar of the year will host Mònica Garcia López, Joan del Rio Rambla and Alzira Cortacans Rotger in representation of the Fundació Acció Social Infancia, who will present Antropologia compromesa Perspectiva interseccional en l’acompanyament socioeducatiu


The seminar will be held on December 3 from 11am to 12:30pm in room 205 of the Faculty of Geography and History.


25-30 November 2024


As every year, GENI participates in the Setmana de l’Antropologia organized by the Institut Català d’Antropologia (ICA).


On Wednesday, November 27, Livia Motterle will organize the route (Des)control sexual i aberracions de gènere: càstig i insubmissió en el Raval de Barcelona. Prior registration is required here (Registration deadline: November 25).


On Thursday, November 28, Livia Motterle, Marta Ausona, María Ignacia Ibarra, and Rosy Lázaro will participate in the round table Antropologies feministes, alongside María Zapata (EHU/UPV). The round table will take place at Llibreria la Raposa from 19:00 to 21:00.


You can find the complete program at the following link.


We look forward to seeing you there!


14 November 2024


GENI will be participating in the Festa de la Recerca at the Facultat de Geografia i Història. You can find us at the second lobby on the 3rd floor, where we will have a table showcasing our research projects and their findings.


From 16:30 to 17:30, you are welcome to join the interactive workshop: “What can GENI do for you?” in room 412.


You can find the full program of the research festival at this link.


We look forward to seeing you there!


16 October 2024


Coinciding with the IndiFest, the GENI seminar of October will host a talk with several speakers from the Comisión Nacional de Comunicación Indígena (CONCIP) and the projection of several short films looking at “Indigenous women in the cinema and the defense of the Territory”.


The seminar will take place on the 16th of October from 16h00 to 17h00 at room 205 in GiH. 


28 May 2024


May’s seminar welcomes Clara Rosa Sandbye’s presentation ‘Gameful relating’. How young offenders gain agency in police-based restorative justice in Denmark. 


The seminar will take place on the 28th of May at the Laboratori d’Antropologia in GiH from 12h30 to 14h00. 


25 April 2024


Fabiola Mancinelli will present Categorías Desbordadas as part of the Sant Jordi celebrations of the Faculty of History and Geography.


The presentation will take place on April 25 at 19h00 next to the Faculty’s Archaeological Practice Camp.


24 April 2024


At the GENI Seminar in April, Édel Granda Viñuelas will present “De la tutela psiquiátrica al a furia trans. Subjetividades emergentes y el papel de los activismos sociales”.


The seminar will take place on April 24 from 16h00 to 17h30 at the Seminar of the Department of Social Anthropology of the Faculty of Geography and History.


20 March 2024


The March GENI Seminar will be held by Ragini Khurana who will present “You can find everything in Peckham. Emergent sources of identification and differentiation in convivial urban areas”.


The seminar will take place on March 20 from 12h30 to 14h00 at the Seminar of the Department of Social Anthropology of the Faculty of Geography and History.


28 February 2024


Josep Lluís Lancina presents “Escolta compartida i identitat musical col·lectiva. Els casos etonogràfics dels concerts de punk i improvisació lliure a Barcelona” with an introduction by Magda Polo Pujadas. 


The seminar will take place at the Seminari d’Antropologia from 12h30 to 14h00. 


23 February 2024


Malin Roiha will present the results of the project COME-ON at the conference ‘Derechos Humanos, acceso a la Justicia y Políticas Públicas’ organised by the reseach group CRITS and with the participation of GENI and GRAJ. 


The conference will take place at the Seminari d’Antropologia between 11h and 18h30. 


5 February 2024


Under the framework of the MORE project, GENI will participate in the webinar “Reconsidering EU’s partnership and cooperation models on return and readmission” organised together with the projects FAIR i GAPS. 


You can watch the recording of the webinar here.


24-26 January 2024


On Wednesday, GENI organises a panel at the third Congrés Català d’Antropologia titled “Categories desbordades: usos, discursos i aproximacions a les jerarquies i les alteritats”


On Friday, we will also present our last book: Categorias Desbordadas. Cuestionando etiquetas, jerarquías y alternidades. Edited by Olga Jubany, Jordi Roca and Fabiola Mancinelli.  



30 November 2023


Arnau Poy, predoctoral researcher from GENI, organises together with the Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado (CEAR) a seminar on international protection and forced migration in Spain from the perspectives of statistics, ethnography and law. 


The seminar will take place in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria at the main headquarters of CEAR on November 30 at 16h45. 


24 November 2023


GENI participates at the Setmana de l’Antropologia with the launch of “Categorías desbordadas: cuestionando etiquetas, jerarquías y alteridades”.


With editors Jordi Roca and Fabiola Mancinelli and authors Arnau Poy, Alèxia Rué, Malin Roiha, Maria Ignacia Ibarra Eliessetch and Livia Motterle. 


The event will take place at the Institut d’Estudis Catalans from 12h00 to 14h00


20 November 2023


GENI and INCA seminar “Emergence” with Jessica Lynn. 


The seminar will take place at room 205 of the Facultat de Geografia i Història from 12h30 to 14h00. 


14 November 2023


Arnau Poy, predoctoral researcher at GENI will present his research with the conference “Migración Forzada y Protección Internacional. Mitos, Realidades y Derechos” the Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. 


The conference will take place at the Aula de Postgrado 1 from 17h to 19h (GMT).


24 October 2023


Anna Molas presents Taming Egg Donors. The production of the Egg donation Bioeconomy in Spain.


The presentation will take place on the 24th of October at the Seminari d’Antropologia from 17h to 18h30



27 September 2023


Jordi Mas Grau presents L’evolució de l’atenció a la salut i els drets trans des dels anys 70 fins a l’actualitat


The presentation will take place on the 27th of September at the Seminari d’Antropologia from 16h to 17h30


25 May 2023


Magda Polo will present her research Els elements extramusicals com a conformadors d’identitat


The presentation will take place at the Seminari d’Antropologia on the 25th of May, 2023, at 12h


25 April 2023


Jordi CaÏs will present his research Cómo analizar las texturas del tiempo. La investigación cualitativa longitudinal


The presentation will take place at the Seminari d’Antropologia on the 25th of April, 2023, at 12h


29 March 2023


Samantha Joeck will present her research Territorios contestados. Interacciones callejeras y vigilancia de los espacios públicos de Medellín, Colombia


The presentation will take place at the Seminari d’Antropologia on the 29th of March, 2023, at 11h.


15 March 2023


COME-ON Seminar. On March 15, the preliminary results of the COME-ON (ayuda PID2019-110321-GB100 financiada por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación) project will be presented behind closed doors to a group of researchers, experts in restorative justice, and victim support professionals in a session that will also include a visit to the Ciutat de la Justícia.


22 February 2023


Alèxia Rué will present her research Playing the State. The governance of migration from the Spanish asylum reception system


The presentation will take place at the Seminari d’Antropologia on the 22nd of February, 2023 at 12h.



14 December 2022


Emma Fàbrega Domènech presents her research “It’s not a vacation, it’s your life” Identitats privilegiades, experiències d’envelliment i projectes migratoris de britànics jubilats en costes espanyoles


The presentation will take place at the Seminari d’Antropologia on the 14th of December, 2022, at 12h


31 October 2022


Jessica Lynn presents her Turn the Page intervention, introduced by Olga Jubany.


The presentation will take place at the Aula 205 on the 31st of October, 2022, at 11h.


26 October 2022


Ignacio Elpidio Domínguez and Alèxia Rué will present the research La resiliència dels membres de la PG-ME que atenen víctimes de violència de gènere.


The presentation will take place at the Laboratori d’Antropologia on the 26th of October, 2022, at 12h.


8 September 2022


Olga Jubany, Ignacio Elpidio Domínguez, and Alèxia Rué presented the research La resiliència dels membres de la PG-ME que atenen víctimes de violència de gènere.


The presentation took place at the ISPC headquarters on the 8th of September at 11h.


29 June 2022


As part of the LGBTQ Pride events in Barcelona, GENI organises the roundtable Guirigall generacional. Diàlegs mariques, desviats i queer, with professors Ignacio Elpidio Domínguez (UB), Òscar Guasch (UB), and Jose Antonio Langarita (UdG). It will be moderated by Olga Jubany.


The roundtable will take place in the Aula Magna on the 29th of June, 2022, at 12h.


25 May 2022


Professor Fabiola Mancinelli will present her research El estilo de vida de los nómadas digitales. Utopías y distopías de la cuarta revolución industrial.


The presentation will take place in the Laboratori d’Antropologia on the 25th pf May, 2022, at 12h.


27 April 2022


María Ignacia Ibarra Eliessetch will present her research “¡Somos territorio!” Experiencias, prácticas políticas y luchas por lo común de mujeres mapuche.


The presentation will take place in the Seminari d’Antropologia on the 27th pf April, 2022, at 12h.


30 March 2022


Dr. Caterina Borelli, from the Università Ca’ Foscari (Venezia) will present her research El asilo desde dentro. Una mirada comparativa sobre los sistemas de acogida en Italia y España.


The presentation will take place in the Seminari d’Antropologia on the 30th of March, 2022, at 10h30.


23 February 2022


Malin Roiha will present her research El discurso de odio online por razón de género: Categorizaciones, contradicciones y lagunas en el apoyo legal y social en el contexto de Cataluña.


The presentation will be online, on the 23rd of February, 2022, at 12h.




2 December 2021


ANTHROMOB (EASA Anthropology and Mobility Network) organises the 4th MOMO CONFERENCE


Un-commoning Extractive Entrapments: Train Maya and Mobility sovereignty in Yucatán, Mexico

By Dr. Matilde Córdoba Azcárate,  Associate Professor, Department of Communication, University of California, San Diego, USA.  


Register via this link.


+ info:


19 November 2021


We are pleased to announce that GENI is hosting the Justice Outside the Box: The restorative approach to anti-LGBT hate crimes conference on the 19th of November, bringing to its end the project LetsGoByTalking: Protecting and defending the rights of anti-LGBT hate crimes: Innovative paths through restorative justice. 


The conference will bring together speakers from organisations working for LGBT rights and the promotion of restorative justice and a keynote conference by Mark Walters, one of the main academic voices on the restorative approach to LGBT hate crimes.


The conference is free and open to all but registration is required here


Download the programme


15 November 2021


El GENI organitza el seminari Abriendo grietas: zapatistas en diálogo con una acadèmia crítica.


L’esdeveniment tindrà lloc a la Sala de Juntes de 16h00 a 20h00


És necessària inscripció previa a través del correu o a través d’aquest enllaç


27 October 2021


GENI is organising the LetsGoByTalking InfoDay on Restorative Justice and anti-LGBT hate crimes. 


The session will host several speakers from the research teams in the Universitat de Barcelona and Universitat de Girona that will present the project results and paths forward. 


The session is free and open to all but registration is required here


26 November 2019


Fernanda Velarde and Edith Villavicencio, visiting scholars from Mexico, will present their researches at the next Seminari GENI on the 26 Novembre. 


From 11h to 12h30, at Room 205 at the Facultat de Geografia i Història


19 May 2021


ANTHROMOB (EASA Anthropology and Mobility Network) organises the 3rd MOMO CONFERENCE: 


By Dr. Viola Thimm, Institute of Anthropology, University of Heidelberg, Germany.  

You can access the conference through this link


+ info:


18 May 2021


On May 18 GENI will present ethnographic research results of the project LetsGoByTalking, on restorative justice and victims of anti-LGBT hate crimes to the Grup d’Antropologia Jurídica from the Institut Català d’Antropologia (ICA)


The research will be presented by Malin Roiha and Ignacio Elpidio Domínguez Ruiz, with an introduction to restorative justice by GENI’s coordinator, Olga Jubany. 


The seminar will take place between 17h00 and 19h30 and can be accessed through this link


28 April 2021


Astrid Escrig Piñol will present her research Salud, Dinero y Amor. Mujeres mexicanas y sus familias extensas afrontando la precariedad en un programa de migración agrícola canadiense in the third GENI seminar of the year.


The seminar will take place on April 28 at 12h30 and you can join thorugh this link


31 March 2021


The second Seminari GENI of the year will focus on the ethnographic research results of the project LetsGoByTalking, on restorative justice and victims of anti-LGBT hate crimes.


The results will be presented by Malin Roiha and Ignacio Elpidio Domínguez Ruiz, with an introduction to restorative justice by GENI’s coordinator, Olga Jubany. 


The seminar will take place between 12h00 and 13h30 and can be accessed through this link


9 March 2021


Malin Roiha i Ignacio Elpidio Dominguez Ruiz will present the results of the project LetsGoByTalking at the workshop Estem reparant el dany? Justícia i pràctiques restauratives en l’abordatge de casos d’odi i discriminació organised by SOS racisme and the IDHC. 


The event will take place form 18h to 20h and you can join through this link


24 February 2021


In the first GENI seminar of the year, Lola Vallès Port will persent the results of her research “Convertir-se en policia” [Becoming a police officer]


The seminar will take place February 24 from 12h00 to 13h30 online thorugh this link



20 November 2020


Collaborating once more with the Setmana de l’Antropologia (ICA), this year GENI organises the roundtable, Categories i etiquetes en la diversitat sexual i de gènere: empoderament o jerarquització?, coordinated by Olga Jubany and with GENI members Ignacio Elpidio Domínguez Ruiz, Livia Motterle and Jordi Mas.


Friday 20, from 12.30 to 14.00h – online


Additionally, other GENI members participate as organisers and speakers in a wide array of other activities during the Setmana de l’Antropologia.  


8 & 22  October 2020


GENI collaborates with CEJFE in a training course on intersectionality. 


The training will be given the GENI members Rosy Lázaro and Ignacio Elpidio Dominguez Ruiz


5 March 2020


On March the 5th the GENI Seminar invites dr. Jonatan Kurzwelly to give the presentation El encanto de ideologías esencialistas.


The seminar will take place from 12h30 to 14h in the Seminari d’Antropologia of the Facultat de Geografia i Història


4 March 2020


On March the 4th the GENI Seminar invites dra. Julieta Vartabedian to present her book Brazilian Travesti Migrations


The seminar will take place from 17h to 19h in the Seminari d’Antropologia of the Facultat de Geografia i Història


20 February 2020


El GENI organises the seminar Restorative Justice in cases of hate crimes against the LGBT community by Monika Pisankayeva (Bilitis).  


The seminar will take place from 16h30 to 18h at the Sala de Juntes of the Facultat de Geografia i Història.


6 February 2020


On February 6 the European Abortion Access Project Research Team will present in the first GENI Seminar of 2020 the conference talk: Women travelling for abortion care in Europe: results from a multi-disciplinary international research project.


Presenters: Silvia De Zordo, Irene Capelli, Anastasia Martino, Laura Rahm


12h to 14h

Sala de Juntes

Facultat de Geografia i Història


30 January – 1 February 2020


GENI organises a panel within the First Catalan Congress of Anthropology (Congrès Català d’Antorpologia -COCA-).


Panel 16: Nous imaginaris sobre els processos d’identificació i opressió. Problematitzacions i aproximacions crítiques al gènere, la identitat i la diversitat:


This panel addresses theoretical and ethnographic approaches that show the limits of hegemonic categorizations on gender, identity and diversity, as well as critical reflections on how the very discipline of anthropology can (re)produce hegemonies and inequalities. 


The panel is split in two Tables which will be held on Thursday 30 from 12h to 14h (Table A) and from 16h to 18h (Table B).


Podeu trobar més informació sobre les ponències d’ambdues taules aquí



27 November 2019


GENI takes part in the 3r Curs de Comunicació i Periodisme Intercultural organised by Itacat and Llatins per Catalunya, with a presentation by Malin Roiha and Olga Jubany on the results of the project REACT. 


The course, which will take place every Thursday in November and Wednesday 27, will be held at the Espai Societat Oberta on Carrer de Sant Eusebi 29-31, in Barcelona.


The course is free but registration is required (link)


4-15 November 2019


Jornades Tàcita Muta: Intramurs. Formes de reclusió i vulnerabilitat amb perspectiva de gènere


Sala de Juntes at the Facultat de Geografia i Història from 9h30 to 19h00 (Thursday 14) and from 9h30 to 12h30 (Friday15)


4 June 2019


GENI, ADHUC and Tàcita Muta organise the workshop: Mirades encreuades: Perspectives sobre debats queer



Sala Gran (4th floor)

Facultat de Geografia i Història


26 February 2019


Ann-Kathrin Ziegler presents: Sexuality, Surah, Sholat. Negotiating religious contestation in a Indonesian transgender boarding school.


The seminar will take place on the 26th of February 2019 at the Seminari d’Antropologia from 12h30 to 14h00


25 February 2019


Next Monday GENI organises the conference: “Los arreglos matrimoniales en Cataluña ayer y hoy: (dis)continuidad en una sociedad crecientemente diversa.


We hope to meet you at Sala de Juntes at 9:30am. 


The programme includes debate sessions on: 


  • Marriages among relatives in Barcelona in the 19th century
  • Forced and arranged marriages among migrant communities in the 21st century


23 January 2019


GENI organises a seminar for members on the conceptual and methodological grounds of its research lines.


The meeting will take place on the 23rd of January 2019 at the Seminari d’Antropologia from 12h30 to 14h00.



20 December 2018


GENI organises the session ‘Gender, Identity and Diversity: Women travelling to seek Abortion Care within Spain’ presented by the researcher Giulia Colavolpe


12h30 to 14h

Aula 205

Facultat de Geografia i Història


11 December 2018


The European Social Research Unit (ESRU) organises the Seminar #REACT ‘Las contranarrativas contra el discurso de odio’ for the project REACT co-financed by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (REC) of the EU.


11h to 12h30

Sala de Juntes

Facultat de Geografia i Història.


15 and 16 November 2018


GENI organizes the session ‘Gender, Identity and Diversity: Transgender Matters’ with the activist Jessica Lynn who will present ‘Jessica Lynn’s Transgender Journey’.


12h30 to 14h

Room 205

Facultat de Geografia i Història


28 November 2018


The Xarxa Anti-Rumors organises, together with GENI, the workshop: Diversificar la Viquipèdia. Edita una pàgina, escriu la història, which aims to diversify references, articles and content in Wikipedia to balance the overwhelming presence of Western referents.


The workshop will be conducted by Ivonne Gonzalez, lawyer, musician, performer, wikimedia and afro-feminist activist and will take place on the 28 Novembre from 17h to 20h at Espai Avinyó


You can register for this event at:


15 October 2018


The research group GREAST-ICA organises with the collaboration of GENI the conference: Cambios Económicos y Transformaciones Sociales. Los sentidos del Trabajo en las Formas de Vida


Sala Gran de la Facultat de Geografia i Història


26 June 2018


The research grup GREAST-ICA organises, with GENI, the conference Identidade e subsistência nas práticas da capoeira. Uma abordagem a partir dos aspectos culturais, socioeconômicos e históricos, by Luiz Carlos de Matos Bonates, mestre KK Bonates.


17h00 Conference

Room 305, Facultat de Geografia i Història


18h30 Caopeira Circle

Porxo de la Facultat de Geografia i Història


22 May 2018


GENI and the LASA Sexualities Section organize the preconference to LASA 2018 “Migraciones y refugiados LGBTTTI, en un mundo globalizado”


The session will take place in the Sala Gran of the Facultat de Geografia i Història (UB) at 9:30h


11 April 2018


GENI organises the session “Más allá del feminismo blanco. Aproximaciones decoloniales a problemáticas actuales”.


Master Class by Sirin Adlbi Sibai, facilitated by Rosa Lázaro.With the participation of Olga Jubany, Florencia Birzuela, Úrsula Santa Cruz and Diana Al-rahmoun


Aula Magna, Facultat de Geografia i Història



19 December 2017


Conference “Interrogating LGBT inclusion through the concept of homonationalism” by Núria Sadurní Balcells (UdG/UAB)


3 November 2017


Final Conference Divercity Project


15 September 2017 


GENI participates in the IV European Geographies of Sexualities Conference organised by the Grup de Recerca de Geografia i Gènere of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona with the talk: Sexual and gender diversity in small and medium cities. Breaking the hegemony of big city perspectives


17 July 2017


Presenting the Debate: “La interseccionalitat a debat: una crítica des de la perspectiva decolonial” by Houria Bouteldja and Ramón Grosfoguel.


Aula Magna
Facultat de Geografia i Història
Universitat de Barcelona


27 April 2017 


GENI, within the second edition of the Week of Anthropology, organises a debate by the title: “Transgènere i sistema de sexe/gènere. Normativitats, violències i resistències”.


Coordinated and presented by Olga Jubany

Moderated by Begonya Enguix


Gerard Coll-Planas 

Krizia Nardini 

Sabrina Sánchez

Jordi Mas


19h30 to 21h00.

Museu de Cultures del Món

Carrer Montcada 12-14


13 March 2017


Presentation of the book: “El món: Una anàlisi antropològica” de João Pina-Cabral (Universitat de Kent)


27 February 2017


GENI, together with GRAPP and AFIN, organise the seminar “A Fragmented Landscape: reproductive rights and protest logics in Europe today”.


17 February 2017


El GRAPP, with the support of GENI organise the seminar “Parentiu, religió i ciència”


13 February 2017


Presentation of the book Reproduction and Biopolitics: Ethnographies of Governance, Irrationality and Resistance” 


11 January 2017


GENI, together with GRAPP and GESA, organise the seminar “The photocopy as model: prophetic imagination and analogical temporalities in Central Africa”.



1 December 2016 


GENI organises the activity: “Projecció audiovisual + conversa amb persones de la comunitat asexual”.


10 November 2016


GENI organises, together with PhD students from UB, the workshop “Cap a una antropologia feminista, crítica i interseccional”.


14 October 2016 


GENI, together with GRAPP, organise the seminar “Matrimonios entre parientes”.


7 September 2016


GENI organises the panel “Género, identidad y las fronteras de la diversidad: una aproximación interseccional”, at the II International Congress AIBR,that will take place in Barcelona from the 6th to the 9th of September 2016.


7 June 2016


GENI, together with GRAPP and AFIN, organise the seminar “Religió i polítiques de la moralitat a Polònia”.


7 April 2016 


GENI, together with GESA and GRAPP, organise the seminar “El lloc del parentiu”.