Category Archives: Publications

This week Droit et Cultures has published its latest issue, a compilation of contributions related to Divercity project. The journal has an Open Access Licence, access full texts through the links below: Contents:  Olga Jubany et Isabelle Carles Présentation [Texte intégral] Une approche expérientielle, intersectionnelle et située de la diversité sexuelle et de genre Erica Howard Protection des personnes LGBT+ […]

Our colleague Diana Mata Codesal, has recently published  “Gendered (Im)mobility: Rooted Women and Waiting Penelopes” in the Journal of Migration and Culture. The article explores (im)mobility as a gendered social construction: In rural Mexico, as in many other locations worldwide, women’s mobility is depicted as less natural or more problematic than men’s. Simultaneously, women are […]

We are pleased to announce that the book Las Palabras son Armas. Discurso de odio en la red by Olga Jubany and Malin Roiha has been published. Based on ethnographic research on the experience of youngsters as the main users of social networks, the book analyses the widespread and rabid presence of hate speech on the […]