Joves Referents


On September 25 at 18.30h in the Casal de Barri Pou de la Figa the project “JOVES REFERENTS per la interculturalitat i la prevenció de violències” will signal its closure with a public presentation. Joves Referents led by the Centre d’Estudis Africans i Interculturals and with the collaboration of GENI – Grup de Recerca en Gènere, Identitat i DiversitatCentre d’Informació i Assessorament per a Joves (CIAJ) and the Agència Catalana de la Joventut, and with the support of Obra Social “la Caixa” has trained young people with migratory and culturally diverse backgrounds in interculturality, intersectionality and prevention of violence and has supported them to put these into practice through school workshops and community actions
If you want to join us, please confirm your attendance with an email to:, and the subject: “CONFIRMACIÓ D’ASSISTÈNCIA”.

For more information on the project you can visit the website: