Professor Olga Jubany, coordinator of the GENI research group, has recently published the chapter The Unspoken Legacy of Asylum Racism, Nationalism, and the Neo‐colonialist Social Construction of Asylum Policies within The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalism, published by Wiley. The chapter analyses the asylum phenomenon from the perspective of the social construction of otherness, and […]

Bellaterra has published the book Intersecciones encarnadas: [Con]textos críticos en género, identidad y diversidad, edited by Olga Jubany and Oscar Guasch. Also participating with chapters are Fabiola Mancinelli, Emma Fàbrega, Dolors Rodríguez-Martín, Assumpta Rigol-Cuadra, Esther Crespo-Mirasol, Elena Maestre-González, Jordi Mas Grau, Alèxia Rué, Malin Roiha, Núria Sadurní Balcells, Jose Antonio Langarita Adiego, Eduardo Lizardo, Rosa Lázaro […]

The Universities of Girona and of Barcelona hosted the kick-off meeting of the EC-funded project Let’sGoByTalking. Protecting and defending the rights of anti-LGBT hate crimes: Innovative paths through restorative justice, which is coordinated by Olga Jubany. Members of the project’s consortium, from diverse European universities and organisations, visited Barcelona for two days of debates, decisions and […]

The first Congrés Català d’Antropologia was a great success and GENI contributed to it by organising Simposi 16: Nous imaginaris sobre els processos d’identificació i opressió. Problematitzacions i aproximacions crítiques al gènere, la identitat i la diversitat  Here are some pictures of the event: Olga Jubany presents Simposi 16: Nous imaginaris sobre els processos d’identificació i opressió. Problematitzacions […]

Al seminari GENI del mes de febrer l’equip del projecte BAR2LEGAB ens presentarà: Women travelling for abortion care in Europe: results from a multi-disciplinary international research project Why do many women travel in Western Europe to seek abortion care, including from and within countries with relatively liberal abortion laws? How do these women experience abortion […]

GENI will be attending the I Catalan Congress of Anthropology having organised Panel 16, which will be held on the 30th of January, between 12h and 18h, at Campus Catalunya in Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona). Programme: Panel 16 Nous imaginaris sobre els processos d’identificació i opressió. Problematitzacions i aproximacions crítiques al gènere, la identitat i la diversitat.  One of the […]

Today we held the first GENI seminar of the academic year: México Lindo…y Transfóbico: experiencias del ser trans en Sonora y el valle de Toluca by María Fernanda Velarde and Edith Villavicencio, visiting researchers at GENI Fernanda Velarde presented her ethnographic research in Hermosillo, Sonora, highlighting the difficulties and challenges that trans people face to live […]

Llatins/es per Catalunya and Xarxa BCN Antirumors, with the collaboration of the research groups GENI and GREDI from the Universitat de Barcelona and with the support of Barcelona’s City Coucil, present the 3rd Course on Intercultural Communication and Journalism which will take place the7, 14, 21, 27 and 28 Novembre 2019, the #ComuniCanvi. The course is open to the general public […]

On the 22 November GENI participated in the Jornada Informativa Reto 6 (H2020) “Europa en un mundo cambiante: sociedades inclusivas, innovadoras y reflexivas”, on H2020 European Projects. You can find the Power Point presentations that were shown during the session here: You can check the programme below: