Category Archives: News

The Journal of Homosexuality has just published “There is LGBTQ Life beyond the Big City”: Discourses, Representations and Experiences in Two Medium-Sized Spanish Cities, a research article by Olga Jubany, Josan Langarita, and Jordi Mas. Abstract: Whilst debates on sexual diversity in public space have been extensive, these have tended to focus on large cities as the […]

GENI member Silvia de Zordo participates in the Converses sobre el Dret (efectiu?) a l’avortament seminar organised by the Institut de Ciències Polítiques i Socials of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. She will the present the results of the first phase of a research project on women who travel abroad in Europe to end their pregnancy. The seminar […]

GENI member professor Fabiola Mancinelli has cowritten the chapter Privilegios, género y “dignidad del tiempo” en mujeres-madres-trabajadoras en la época de la COVID-19, part of the recently published bookLa vida cotidiana en tiempos de la COVID: Una antropología de la pandemia (Los libros de la catarata). The chapter includes the research undertaking by Fabila Mancinelli, Serena Brigidi, […]

Several GENI members will participate in different activities of the fifth Setmana de l’Antropologia (16-21 November), whose programme may be found on the Institut Català d’Antropologia’s website. Most activities will be only online of with a combination of face-to-face and online, according to the COVID-19-related restrictions. Some of the activities, in which GENI members will […]

On Friday November the 20th Olga Jubany, Ignacio Elpidio Domínguez, and Malin Roiha are going to participate in the webinar “La justícia restaurativa davant de delictes d’odi i discriminació”, organised by the Direcció General d’Execució Penal a la Comunitat i de Justícia Juvenil and the Centre d’Estudis Jurídics i Formació Especialitzada of the Generalitat de Catalunya’s Justice Department.  The webinar is included as part of the European Restorative Justice Week, and in this event the ESRU […]

GENI member María Ignacia Ibarra Eliessetch has participated in the article Waterscapes and Plural Geographies in Wallmapu, recently published by the Geographical Review journal. It is available at the journal’s website.   She has also participated in an article, Ternura feminista para otros mundos posibles, included in the first Retazos: Memorias feministas bulletin, from the […]

Professor and GENI member Fabiola Mancinelli organises with EASA’s ANTHROMOB network a series of online lectures on mobilities, MoMo (Moving Mobilities Online).   On Monday 9 of November, at 2pm (CET), Dr. Flavia Cangià, Senior Researcher at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) will participate with the lecture Traveling without moving. Reflections on (im)mobility and liminality. […]

Professor Olga Jubany, coordinator of the GENI research group, has recently published the chapter The Unspoken Legacy of Asylum Racism, Nationalism, and the Neo‐colonialist Social Construction of Asylum Policies within The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalism, published by Wiley. The chapter analyses the asylum phenomenon from the perspective of the social construction of otherness, and […]

Bellaterra has published the book Intersecciones encarnadas: [Con]textos críticos en género, identidad y diversidad, edited by Olga Jubany and Oscar Guasch. Also participating with chapters are Fabiola Mancinelli, Emma Fàbrega, Dolors Rodríguez-Martín, Assumpta Rigol-Cuadra, Esther Crespo-Mirasol, Elena Maestre-González, Jordi Mas Grau, Alèxia Rué, Malin Roiha, Núria Sadurní Balcells, Jose Antonio Langarita Adiego, Eduardo Lizardo, Rosa Lázaro […]