Round table and other activities of the 5th Setmana de l’Antropologia

Several GENI members will participate in different activities of the fifth Setmana de l’Antropologia (16-21 November), whose programme may be found on the Institut Català d’Antropologia’s website.

Most activities will be only online of with a combination of face-to-face and online, according to the COVID-19-related restrictions. Some of the activities, in which GENI members will participate, are the following:

  • Round table, Pandèmia i turisme: afectacions i conseqüències, with Fabiola Mancinelli. Monday the 16th, 19.00-21.00h.
  • Round table, Doctorands en discussió. Fer un doctorat en Antropologia avui, with Claudia Albano and Emma Fàbrega. Thursday the 19th, 18.00-20.00h.
  • Debate and presentation, Memòria de la guerra i la repressió franquista: violència i gènere, with Jordi Roca. Thursday the 19th, 18.00-20.00h.
  • Round table, Categories i etiquetes en la diversitat sexual i de gènere: empoderament o jerarquització?, coordinated by Olga Jubany and with the participation of Ignacio Elpidio Domínguez, Livia Motterle, and Jordi Mas. Friday the 20th, 12.30-14.00h.