Olga Jubany – Series Editor – Migration, Diasporas and Citizenship Series

We are very pleased to announce that Olga Jubany has been appointed as Editor of the Migration, Diasporas and Citizenship Series of Palgrave Macmillan, succeeding Prof. Robin Cohen and Prof. Zig Layton-Henry to continue the legacy of a leading editorial benchmark in the field of migration, with over 20 years of history and more than 70 published titles.

The Migration, Diasporas and Citizenship Series has contributed to cross-disciplinary empirical and theoretical debates on migration processes by problematizing and serving as a critical forum for the main issues around the global movement and circulation of people, which remains a central issue to current social processes and developments.

We are looking forward to challenging and inspiring contributions in this new stage of the MDC Series, and to continue being a reference point for contemporary debates on local and global migrations.

For information, submissions and queries please refer to:

Migration, Diaspora and Citizenship Series

Palgrave Macmillan Information for Authors

If you wish to contact the Series Editor please refer to:
